Laminae (Sophiaq123)

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Laminae was sitting in the corner petting her sparkly pink imp booboo. It quite a surprise for those few people who'd seen booboo before. She snapped her fingers and her Murcat appeared right next to her imp. She sighed. What was she going to do if her brother found out she had a third ability. He was already so  unhappy enough that he was talentless and she had two abilities. It made Laminae's stomach churn, thinking about his angry expression. Her thoughts where interrupted when Umber told her and Jackson to come down for break feast. Laminae sighed, thinking if she should tell my parents that she had manifested as a conjurer. But then Jackson would be more mad that everyone. Laminae put her thoughts away and quickly finished break feast then I ran to the leap master and called foxfire. Laminae wasn't popular like Yuna and Loli. She was more of an outcast. She really wanted to tell the whole world that she had a third ability, since she didn't want to be someone people didn't trust. But she didn't want to make her brother more upset. Elemental was starting in 3 minutes so she quickly hurried to class. she was careful not to snap her fingers and make the tornadoes disappear. In the end she had bottled 2 tornadoes and broke three bottles. Sir Carton was not impressed. She quickly scurried over to P.E. Sir Conley announced that  the ultimate splotching contest would be taking place soon. Laminae was paired with daffy to practice. She almost got hit with pink splotcher but at the last second it disappeared. Everyone starred at her. Oops. Laminae realized she must have conjured it away. Her brother glared at her from the far corner. things where not any better when she came home. Jackson and her parents where mad at her for not telling them that she had manifested. Laminae tried making excuses like, I didn't know about it, but her family was not convinced. By the time she finally finished explaining the sun had already set. 

Ty Sophiaq123 !!!

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