Jolie (@xXOneMoreChapterXx)

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Jolie felt confident, today. She was wearing a pretty sky-blue tunic with delicate silver embroidery, paired with silver ballet flats, and simple brown leggings. She'd even put on a little lip-gloss. She still felt giddy from Aiden asking her to the formal. Of course..they were probably just going as friends. He didn't like, like her, right? After all, she had simply been his second pick. Rumours had flown through the school of how Lea had rejected him, though the story Aiden told was much different. "You You look really pretty today," Jolie turned around and saw the familiar blonde boy. Something in Jolie made her feel bolder, and she responded in a teasing tone, "Only today?" Aiden blushed- blushed!- and said, "No, I meant..." "I'm just teasing you!" Jolie said with a laugh. "Right," Aiden blushed again. Jolie playfully punched him on the shoulder. "Oh Aideeennn!" The high, lilting, and oh-so-fake voice of Lea surprised Jolie at first, but she responded. "What are you doing here?" Lea smirked, rolling her eyes, "You don't own Foxfire, Jolie. And besides...I'm here to talk to Aiden about that dance he owes me," Jolie turned to Aiden, confusion spreading across her features. "What is she talking about?" Aiden's eyes glazed over a moment, and Jolie turned to Lea, when she looked back, he looked normal again. "I'm going to the formal with Lea," Aiden stated. Jolie faltered.."How..but.." Then she turned and fled. ↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠↠ "Are you okay?" The sweet and soft voice of Yuna asked. "Yeah..I'm fine..." Jolie turned away from Yuna, hiding her tears. "No, you're not. What happened?" Yuna asked. Jolie had to admit, this girl was stubborn. "Aiden. He- he's going to the dance with Lea." Jolie explained. "Oh, Jolie-I'm so sorry," Yuna said, sitting down beside her. Yuna's eyes grew sad as well, "Ignis is going with Annabelle," She whispered. "But- I thought he was going with a group.." Jolie said. Yuna sighed "He is- but Annabelle is coming with our group. And you know she'll pressure him into dancing with her." And so the two girls sat, reminiscing over what could have- and still might- happened.

Great Chapter, @ xXOneMoreChapterXx! - 8gtberry ✌️ 

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