Hydra (8gtberry)

69 4 4

Hydra nervously stepped into the big classroom. She looked around for familiar faces and saw Jolie, Loli in their level one uniforms and Ocean, Caden, and Emmie, in their level two uniforms. 

Two teachers stepped forwards and the chatter instantly stopped. "I am Sir Edward." Said the Man. "I'm lady Edwerda." Said the woman. 

"I will be teaching the pyrokinetics." Said Sir Edward. "Training in this ability used to be forbidden because lack of control," Sir Edward swirled his hands. A wall of flame appeared but before it could spread Sir Edward put his hand out. "I will teach you control." He said. A huge wave splashed over, sending saltwater spraying at the students. "I will teach the Hydrokinetics." said Lady Edwerda. 

Sir Edward and Lady Edwerda looked almost totally the same besides the minor differences like the fact that Lady Edwerda was a girl and Sir Edward was a boy. "Please seperate into your levels!" Called Sir Edwards. Ocean, Emmie, and Caden stood with the level two's well Loli and Hydra strode over to the level one's and Jolie strode to the level three's.

"Now further separate into abilities." Called Lady Edwerda. Hydra stood by a cluster of level one hydrokinetics well Loli, Caden and Jolie stood with the pyrokinetcs. Emmie went to the pyrokinetic side of level two and Ocean to the hydrokinetic side. "Please partner up with someone of your ability! If you are the older one teach them new moves and we will asses your progress!"

Ocean pulled Hydra away. "Hey Hydra! So, can we be partners?" Ocean was Tam and Biana's daughter, and Hydra's cousin. She was a year older than Hydra which meant she was 13! A teenager! Ocean bent her arms down and lifted them back up in a swishing motion. The water followed her arms up and down.

Hydra and Ocean began swishing the water around them. Hydra fought to keep the water up but after a few minutes her water splashed over the floor. Hydra bent down and wiped the sweat off her temple. 

"Who's that?" Asked Ocean. Hydra turned to see Caden grinning at them. Hydra gave a small wave. Ocean however gave a big wave and a little giggle. Hydra ignored that and they got back to work, swishing the water back and forth. 

Jolie was working with Emmie. Jolie swirled her hands in the air and fire formed in them. she moved her hands in a complicated motion like a dancer, well keeping the flames in control. Emmie's watched her with big eyes and by the time the session was over they were swishing around the classroom with flames dancing in their hands.

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