SPECIAL: For Her (A Letter) IV

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No one knows about this... Except him.


A letter of a dead man to his lover way back 2016.


August 31, 2016

My dear Jeongyeon,

Okay, so I just want you to know that I don't know we're to start. I don't know what to write on this shit — oops, sorry. But honestly, I really don't know what to write right now. I'm a mess, and I know it. Maybe, I'll write everything that comes in my mind. I may not reach you expectations, but atleast I could addressed directly my message for you.

First of all, why the hell did you kissed me?! Gosh, don't you know what I feel tonight? Let's say that it's not a big deal, since it's just a quick peck on a cheek, but I really felt a hundred of butterflies inside my stomach. But seriously, I felt flustered, and my heart is beating abnormally, geez. What have you done?! I'm also studying how to speak in Spanish, so please be proud of me hehe. And ugh, I couldn't sleep, because your soft lips is hunting my innocent cheek.

Let's be serious. I know that Taehyung likes you. The way he looked into you, I can see that his eyes are full of admiration and adoration. I know what it feels, because me myself, I also felt the same for you. Ever since the first day we met, I couldn't take off my eyes from you. Maybe, you didn't notice this, but my eyes are really on you. That's also one of the reasons why I never entertained Rosé. I'm not interested in her.

And now, that you confessed that you also like me, makes me wanna jump and hugged you so tight. But, I don't know what is stopping me from doing it. The feeling is mutual, and I should be courting you right now, but I couldn't. I don't know. Maybe I'm a coward. And also, I didn't even stopped you from turning you back to me, and running away. How stupid of me. Maybe, someday, if I already have courage to face you, and tell you what do I really feel. But the way, there's also one thing that you didn't know. Do you remember when you were bitten by a snake? I don't know, but when that time that you're unconscious, I went inside your room, and played my guitar. I played 'Once Upon A Dream'. The song that I also played to a young girl, six years ago.

I was really worried that time. And do you remember the time when the weather isn't fine. So that's why it rained and we stopped and I treated you some ice cream at your favorite ice cream parlor. But your banned though, so that's your fault. Honestly, I already felt comfortable that time when I'm with you. I never felt alone that time. I really enjoyed your company. I hope you also did enjoy mine. By the way, your favorite flower is hibiscus flower right? I know I have already told you this, but my favorite flower is sunflower. You're my sunflower, Jeongyeon.

And also, this is my very first letter for you. Actually, I could say this to you personally, nor message you in social media, that 'Hey, Jeongyeon, I like you." but nah, I chose not. I just want to bring back the old-fashioned way of confessing. And writing a letter is the best thing. I hope you appreciate it. I'm not really good at writing this kind of things but I want and would love to try it. For you.

Ugh, this is getting longer, and my eyes are really sleepy but, I just want to inform you that I would love to see your paintings someday. I'm pretty sure it's a masterpiece. And one more thing is... I don't usually say 'I love you too' because... I just want you to know one thing. And I hope that in the future, I could finally say this to you...

Gracias, te amo. Or should I say... Thank you, I love you.

Unconditionally yours,

- Jimin


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