[16] Team Building II (Ella Me Gusta)

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A/N: The part two of Chapter 16. Don't be confused.

Kinda long chapter, so enjoy! :)

Kinda long chapter, so enjoy! :)

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[Chapter 16]


Nayeon called out her partner, while they're busy looking for the last royal blue flag. It's been an hour since the team parted ways to do their part with their pairs. She stopped, and the latter did the same.

"Yes?" Jimin replied to her, and put his hands on his pockets. "What is it? Did you find the last piece?"

Nayeon sighed, and shook her head. "Actually, it's not about the flag."

Jimin turned to her, completely facing her. "Uh? Then what is it?"

The latter breathe in and out before talking. "By any chance, do you like Jeongyeon?" She asked seriously.

"Why are you asking me that kind of question?" The latter shot her and answer her with another question, not minding the seriousness in her voice. "Care to explain?"

Nayeon looked at him, seriously. "I've known Jeong and Tae for years, and I can really say, that we've become much closer especially this year."

She hid her hands behind her back, and started walking. Jimin trailed behind her. "I also know their hidden secrets... Everything about those two crackheads."

Nayeon became nervous. She's not sure, if she was in the right place to say this to Jimin. "I must admit this."

She turned back to Jimin, and looked at him directly in the eye. "I like Jeongyeon for her childhood best friend, Taehyung."

Jimin finally looked at her, with eyes wide open. But then, returned to his normal face. "I don't understand, Nayeon. Why are you telling me this?"

The latter sighed once again. She's been doing this ever since they started finding the flag. "I'm not really sure, but... It seems like Jeongyeon likes... You."

"I know, it's crazy. I shouldn't be the one who decide for her — I'm not actually — but, I felt bad for Taehyung. He doesn't deserve to be—"

"So Taehyung like Jeongyeon?" Jimin cut her words, when he finally concluded what she was trying to say. "I also noticed it, b-but I really don't mind, yeah, I don't mind. I really don't."

He replied and looked away, he walked passed her, and continued looking for the last flag. "After all, we are all friends. Don't conclude things, Nayeon."

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