[16] Team Building I (Hidden in Plain Sight)

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A/N: Chapter 16 will be having and divided into four parts. So this is the first part.


[Chapter 16]

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[Chapter 16]

"Noona, do you want some chips?"

Two weeks had passed, and now it's the day that was scheduled on their team building. They're now riding a bus, on their way to their destination.

Even if she promised Jimin, and everyone that she'll be having a peace of mind, but still the note kept bothering her for two weeks now.

She hadn't received anymore, that scares her more. What if that person has something on his sleeves? A surprise?

That note is like a ghost! It kept hunting me day by day.


Oh please come on? How? I couldn't help, but to think of it. Why would someone insert an effort just to be noticed by someone like me—

"Chips, noona?" Jungkook innocently as always, handed his chip to him. He smiled. "Do you want some?"

Jeongyeon looked at him, and smiled. "Of course, Kook." And took a piece of the chip. She turned to her seatmate, and offered something on her hand. "You want?"

The latter shook his head. Jimin, who's busy reading a book, turned his head to her. He glanced at the food, and back to her. "Okay, let me have one—"

"You can have here, hyung!" Jungkook immediately offered his food to him. "Don't be shy hyung, you can have as many as you can."

Jimin smiled, and nodded to him. He also took some, and thanked him, genuinely.

Jungkook also offered his seatmate, Jennie who looks bored. She kept glancing at Taehyung's side, who's uninterested in her.

The sitting arrangements in the bus, are randomly. And coincidentally, the two are seatmates again. And also, Jimin has his guitar with him.

Jeongyeon asked why did he bring a guitar. He just said that he just want to.

Taehyung, and Nayeon are the ones who's talking about something, Jennie seems to be bored, and sleepy. Beside her was Jungkook who's eating and using his phone. Rosé is in front because she's the president.

Jimin put down the book that he's reading, and turned to his seatmate. "Are you still receiving those unknown letters?"

Jeongyeon turned to him, and shook her head. "I haven't. It was the first, and the last... I do hope so. I don't want to experience this kind of feeling."

"If you're not receiving those nonsense notes anymore, then why you look so problematic? Is there any problem?"

The latter sighed and hid her shaking hands behind. She wiped some beads of sweats that came from her forehead. "I still don't get it, and doesn't make any sense."

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