[27] Change

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TRIGGER WARNING: Talks about depression.

TRIGGER WARNING: Talks about depression

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[Chapter 27]

"Jeongyeon, how are you?"

Jeongyeon turned to Nayeon who's sitting at the back of Jungkook. It's been almost 1 month and 3 weeks, and now she came back. She's now attending classes.

Oh, how she missed this place...

Unlike before, Jeongyeon felt now much better. Her mental health became stable so far. But still, the investigation has no updates at all.

There's still no improvement.

But, she's willing to wait. No, no one should throw her case. It has to be solved as soon as possible, so that she wouldn't be worried.

She gave a small smile. "I'm fine, Nayeon unnie. Thanks for asking."

Her smile is genuine, but it is not as wide or cheerful as before. Somehow, Nayeon missed that. But for now, what's more important for her is she's here.

Nayeon felt relieved and sighed. Even though she already heard the good news, she couldn't help but to feel worry.

She would never ever forget what happened 1 month ago. The time we're Jeongyeon is in the middle suffering.


1 month ago...

"I want to die!"

Nayeon gasped as she heard those words inside Jeongyeon's room. Eavesdropping is bad, she knows that. But she couldn't help but to feel worry about her. Nayeon knows that her friend still needs some guide.

She immediately rushed downstairs and called Taehyung, who's cooking something at the kitchen.

As soon as he reached him, she paused for a while and hold her breathe.

She finally speak.

"T-Taehyung," Nayeon horribly called his name, as she panicked. She pointed upstairs. "J-Jeongyeon..."

The glass that Taehyung was holding accidentally slipped on his hand, that made the glass broken. He even got a huge, but not-so-deep slice on his palms.

"W-wait... Are you okay-"

"What's with Jeongyeon?"

Taehyung desperately asked, not minding the blood that dripping from the slice in his palm. But Nayeon couldn't answer him as she fainted, so he went upstairs alone.

Nayeon followed him, and rushed.

"Jeongyeon!" Taehyung yelled, as he knocked on the door. "I wanna check on you, please open the door!"

They received no response, so the boy desperately tried to barge inside, but he failed. Luckily, Nayeon has knowledge about lock picking, so she unlocked the door by herself.

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