[19] Pure Love

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A/N: We will focus on Jimin in this chapter, hehe.

A/N: We will focus on Jimin in this chapter, hehe

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[Chapter 19]

It was already raining at the evening, but still he couldn't sleep. Jimin was just staring at nowhere, still couldn't believe what happened earlier.

He's trying to focus on reviewing his book, so that he could answer his homeworks. But then, a memory of her kept on bothering him.

"Aish! What's wrong with me tonight!"

He irritatedly grabbed his pen, and started writing something. He think of something that he could write.

But then, it ended up on doodling nonsense things. He crumpled the paper and threw it away. He grabbed another piece, and stared at the blank sheet.

"Should I really write a letter? For her?"

That question keeps on repeating inside his head. He doesn't know why, but he really felt something whenever he's with her.

Whenever he is with Jeongyeon.


"And that is my own definition of love."

Jimin wiped his tears away, and looked down. Jeongyeon noticed it, so she panicked.

"A-are you okay?" Jeongyeon asked him as she tapped on his shoulder. "I'm sorry—"

"No, it's fine, Jeongyeon." Jimin gently shook his head, and gave her a reassuring smile. She seemed convinced about whatever excuse he told her, so she nodded. "Don't mind me."

"I thought something happened on you," she apologized and nodded. "I don't wanna cross the line."

"I also don't want to."

Jeongyeon looked at him, confusion is written all over her face. Jimin smirked at her. "By the way, Jeongyeon."

"It's not fair if I'm the only one who would answer that question," he clicked his tongue and shook his head. "Now tell me. What is love?"

She accidentally dropped her ice cream. Before going home, Jimin asked her if she wants some ice cream, which she wholeheartedly accept it.

"Jeongyeon, what happened? Are you okay?"

"Deja Vu."


Jeongyeon glance at the ice cream that fell on the ground, before facing him. "Deja Vu."

Jimin shut his eyes closed. Trying to understand what does she meant by that. "What do you mean?"

"I-I, also told that to Taehyung."


Jeongyeon exasperatedly sighed, and shut her eyes closed. She's having second thoughts if she should share it to him, or not.

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