[37] Moving Forward

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[Chapter 37]

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[Chapter 37]

(A week after January 2, 2017)...

Sometimes or should I say most of the times, in living in this life full of struggles and pain, I swear that someday, we will learn how to let go.

No matter how hard nor painful it is, acceptance is the only key to move on. When they always say that "life goes on", you yourself must also learn how to move on.

How would you able to find peace in your heart, if you haven't let go of something or someone who left? Is letting go and moving on means forgot them and their memories inside our hearts?

No, it doesn't mean that we will forget about them. It's just that we just need to accept that they're physically gone, but I swear they'll remain forever in our hearts and our memories.

And that's what I'm going to do and will try to do. It takes time, and I'm willing to wait, until I'm ready. Trust yourself, trust the process.

I know it's kinda too late, but my new years resolution is, just like forget-me-nots, I swore to myself that throughout this lifetime, I will never ever forget about Taehyung.

And promised to bring justice, that he deserves.

I hope you're happy. Don't worry, we will be able to get the justice that the both of us deserves.

But for now, I'll let myself live my life to the fullest.

After minutes of staring at the bright sky on her window, she finally closed it's curtains. She let out a sigh, before decided to finally take a breakfast, and go to school.

Ever since bad things happening to her, staring at the dark nor bright sky at her window is been a habit of hers. She even didn't know why, but maybe because of the comfort that it gives to her.

A small smile formed on her lips.

She fixated her things, and clean the whole house before deciding to go to school. Nayeon isn't with her today, because the older said that she wouldn't go to school early.

Jeongyeon asked her if she can do the same so that the both of them can go, but the older said no. Because of her stubbornness, Nayeon scolded her through video chat that time. So, she didn't insist it anymore.

As she was about to go out, but a certain thing caught her eye. No, it's not just a gift. But, it has a sentimental value that she truly treasures a lot, especially it came from someone who's close to her heart.

The lego that Taehyung gave her.

Jeongyeon walked towards the box. Honestly speaking, at first she has no plans in opening and playing with it because she has no time, and she also told her beloved best friend which he understands her.

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