[30] More than a Million

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[Chapter 30]

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[Chapter 30]

When I was younger, my mom said that shooting stars are real. They are granting our wishes. As long as you're wishing with all your heart.

And also, tooth fairies are real. Once you put your tooth under your pillow before you sleep, then expect that the moment you wake up in the morning, you'll receive a coin. A very special one.

Dead bodies, souls, ghosts do exist. We cannot see them, but we can feel their presence. They're also scary, that can lead us to death.

But, I didn't know that there are more scarier than those creature mentioned. And you know what it is?

The truth.

In just a snap of a finger, blink of an eye... Everything will change — in an unexpected way, that even you yourself didn't see it coming.

Jeongyeon was snapped back in reality. Right now, there are so many things that is lingering inside her head, as she reminisced one of those memories that her mom usually told her.

She smiled at that thought. Oh how she missed her family.

It's been 3 days since it was confirmed that she's pregnant. Honestly, she don't know what or how she would react. It's really hard that she's been experiencing this kind of things at the early age.

You'll never understand someone's feelings, unless you we're able to experience the same thing like them.

She didn't even tell Nayeon ---- or anyone about what is currently happening to her. Telling them about the tragedy happened to her is enough.

She also remembered that she visited a doctor for a check up. And of course to confirm if the results we're all accurate.


"You're six weeks pregnant," the doctor said and she fixed her spectacles while writing something. She gave it to her.

It seems like she was frozen on her seat. She couldn't move a single muscle. So the test that she make yesterday was accurate from what this spectacled woman told her.

It feels like everything went down. Her eyes filled with tears, but she quickly wiped with with her bare hands so that no one would notice. She was also wearing a face mask. Enough to cover her nose, down to her chin.

Just to stay away from judgemental people around the hospital.

She was ready to leave after having a check-up. Jeongyeon was about to grip the doorknob, but when she heard the doctor speak.

"Wait, miss."

Jeongyeon turned to see the doctor fake coughed before squinting her eyes. It seems like she's examining her features.

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