[26] Nightmare and Trauma

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DISCLAIMER: The scenes and events that were able to feature in this chapter are only fictional, and didn't happened in real life. Always keep that in mind.

A/N: I'm not yet ready! And it's a kinda long chapter.

A/N: I'm not yet ready! And it's a kinda long chapter

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[Chapter 26]

October 8, 2016

[12:59 am]

The moment she opened her eyes, an unfamiliar white ceiling greeted her. She also felt that it was cold inside.

She felt beads of sweats on her forehead even though it's cold inside. She sit up straight and it's too late for her to realized what happened.

Jeongyeon was too confused to move. Her eyes widen when she saw her clothes scattered on the floor. Her eyes began tearing up.


She roamed her wide eyes around the area. Then, she already realized where she is, and what happened to her.

"T-this can't be..."

She felt like her lips where trembling as she tried to stand up, but she couldn't walk properly because her body aches.

Jeongyeon covered herself with a white blanket, and didn't bother to pick her clothes again. She's to pre occupied with thoughts of what if...?

What if that thing happened to her? She's confused, traumatized, and frightened about her current situation right now.

She's not even sure about what really happened to her. She wanted to confirm everything first, before jumping into conclusions.

As she hugged herself tightly and buried her face between her knees. She's confused about why this things happened to her.

"A-am I a bad person?" She asked herself out loud between her sobs. "W-what happened to m-me?"

"W-who... Did this to... Me?"

The moment she raised her head, there's something that caught her attention. She picked the paper and read what's inside.

Her eyes widen when she saw what's written.

Do you really think I'll stop pestering you around? No Jeongyeon, you're wrong. I told you, I can be your worst nightmare. I am someone you really know, but too bad you're dumb.

Do you really think I'll give up? No, I'll take you. You'll be mine, whatever it takes. I'll make sure you'll fall for me. You'll love me, and not him!

I'm too tired. Whenever I saw you, your attention was only for him! I can see it though your eyes. You adore him... No! You like him. And that is something that I'll never let happen.

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