Track 36

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"Go ahead and choose what we should watch for today, Bun." Felix said lifting up the remote, " I'm going to get us some snacks in the meantime." Adrian said and going to the kitchen to get the bowl of chips.

While Adrian went to the kitchen, Felix sat next to us and looked through Netflix trying to find a movie. You were currently trying to keep your tears in. You then let the tears roll down the side of your face, " Hey Bun, you find anything you like?"Felix asked, then looking over to you and seeing you silently crying. "W-What's wrong, Bun?" Felix asked grabbing onto your cheek and making you face him.

"C'mon, talk to me." Felix said leaning into you, that's the same time when Adrian retuned into the living room. " I got the snack!" He said in a cheerful tone not knowing what's going on. His smile then fell when he saw you crying, Adrian ran to you and sat next you, " What happen?" He asked looking at you in concern. " Don't worry about it, really... its.... Just a bad day...." You said leaning into his lovers hand.

Felix then looked at Adrian, holding onto your body, and bringing you closer to his neck, Adrian then brought his phone out and called the other boyfriends.

" Hello?" Kevin responded, " Who's that?" Vincent asked. " I need you both in my dorm STAT." Felix said over the phone, ending the call without saying anything else. He then got up from his spot, and walked towards his room and grabbing a blanket and coming back. Wrapping it around your figure while you cried and nuzzled into Adrian, Felix then went behind you and hugged you from the back.


Soon Kevin and Vincent both came into the dorm, Vincent was the first one that noticed you crying figure. " Oh, Bunny." Vincent said looking at you, " Don't worry. We're here." He said looking at you closely in worry, Kevin then went down and grabbed you lifted you up bridal style. " Did someone order an extra large hug with kisses on the side?" Kevin asked looking at you, having a worried smile on his face.

Once you were in his embrace, the tears started coming out of your eyes again. " C'mere, you. Shh, it's all gonna be okay." Kevin reassured. ".... You guys are to nice to me..."

Adrian then joined the hug with you and Kevin, then bringing your head and hiding it into his neck. Kevin then wrapped his arms around both of you." Nonsense! We're your boyfriends!' Adrian said, "We should be there for you." Felix said rubbing your back. " Yeah! Anything you want, we'll get it for you straight away!" Vincent said looking at you.

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