Track 84

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Kevin put the fire out, while Vincent hid behind his broad shoulders. " Phew... thank God it didn't spread around..." He said, wiping off some sweat. " Wawawa I'm sorry...." Vincent said clenching his hands together. " Ah...? Are you still feeling unwell?" Vincent asked looking at the red Kevin. " Y-Yeah, my head's still woozy.."

" I told you to lie down on your bed!"

" But... I was just worried about you...." Kevin then went back into his bed, seeming to get redder. " Just rest up, okay? I promise I won't get anywhere near the kitchen..."

Just as Vincent was about to call his other boyfriends. The door to Kevins dorm opened, a concerned looking Y/N entering. " I felt a disturbance..."

" It's an emergency! He's sick, and I almost burned his kitchen down...." He said, " Okay, you call the others, I'll get something for him to eat."

Vincent looked at Y/N, " You can cook?"

" I can, I'm just sometimes lazy." He replied shrugging his shoulders. Vincent then went out of the room and called Adrian and Felix. While Y/N made his way into the kitchen to make him some porridge.


" AM HERE." Felix said, a few moments after Y/N had finished cooking. " HUEEEE THANK GOD!!!" Vincent exclaimed looking at the two. " Wow, you look like shit." Felix said looking at the sweating Kevin. " Thanks..." He responded. " Uwahh!! Sweetie pie sugar plum!!! Are you okay!!!" Adrian yelled, hugging Kevin.

" I'm not dying, so there's that..."

" Poor baby... here's a get-well-soon smooch for you~" Adrian said giving a kiss to the forehead. " Ok, scoot over, lovebirds." Y/N said walking into the room with a bowl of soup. " I made you soup, open up." Y/N said, having a spoon towards Kevin. Kevin had a look towards the spoon, then took it, deciding that he would trust him.

" That's some good soup!" Kevin said happily surprised, " Yeah?" Y/N asked with a smile, " Thanks for doing all this, guys... it makes me real happy..."

Kevin's eyes then widened when he saw that Felix went over and took a spoonful of soup from the spoon that he had used. " Dude!! Why are you eating it too!!" He asked, " What? I wanted to try." Felix said, not minding the fact that Kevin is sick. " Yeah, but at least get another spoon! You're gonna catch whatever I have...." Then lightly pushed Adrian away. " Y-You shouldn't be kissing me either... it might be contagious..."

' I'm dating idiots, I swear.' Y/N thought looking at his two boyfriends. ' Who took all the brain cells today....' Vincent thought looking at the two.

In the end, the three of them got sick, and Y/N ended up having to take care of them.

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