Track 42

810 19 0

Vincent looked at you guys and had an unimpressed look, currently Adrian was laying down on the coach and had his head on Kevin's thigh playing a game. Felix was on the ground also playing a game, in between his thighs. You were taking a nap on Adrain chest. " Are you guys just gonna do nothing? The whole day? It's summer! Get your hot boy summer game on!" Vincent said looking at the four of you.

" But you have to be a hot boy to give that vibe off!!!" You said in a whiny tone, your friend had dragged you to a sudden dance practice, and now your sore from it since you guess did it for a long time. " You are! So get up!" Vincent exclaimed looking at you. When you heard that, you turned your head away. It was silent for a few seconds, the silence then getting cut off when they heard your light snores.

Kevin lifted you off of Adrians chest, and held you to his. On instinct you wrapped your arms and legs around his body. " Ah! Actually. We both are going to a Twice concert in two weeks, so we're definitely doing something this summer." Adrian said, pointing at Kevin. " We already got tickets!" He said, having a thumbs up, while holding your body. " You know I hate going out in the summer." Felix said, having an unimpressed look on his face. " This one also has a dance practice, next week." He said pointing at your sleeping figure.

"BOOOO..... and nothing until then? You guys are laaaaame." Vincent complained looking at you guys. He then whipped out his phone from his pocket and called someone. " Agh, I'll show you how you should properly spend your summer!" He exclaimed, " ....Hello? Yes, it's me. Is father staying at the beach house this summer? No? Can you clean the place us then? Me and my.... Uhm.... Boyfriends are going there." He said, slightly being flustered about saying boyfriends to someone.

"Alright! Pack your bags, 'cuz we goin' to the beach!" He said, not giving them an option. " O??? Beach episode???" Adrian asked, having a star glint in his eyes. The four of you were waiting outside your dorm. You were now somewhat awake, having a white T-shirt on and a pair of shorts. Vincent came around with his car, wearing a white shirt that was kind of revealing his chest. A red scarf around his neck, and a pair of sunglasses on his head. "Are you guys ready?" He asked looking at the group.

"...What are you, a vampire?" He asked looking at Felix. He was wearing a black mask, and a short sleeve black button up. Having a pair of sunglasses on, and having a large black sun hat. " I don't like the sun. You know this." He responded.

"Well, whatever. Just put all your bags in the trunk." Vincent said pointing at his thumb. " Make sure to not forget anything!" He said looking back at them. " I don't wanna drive all the way back for some stupid shit." He said to himself. " Yaaaaay so exciting!" Adrian exclaimed. "Ooh, let's listen to Twice." Kevin said, putting on a Twice playlist.

Now you guys were on the road. Doing the occasional stop to fill up on gas, or get some snack. Adrian and Kevin were singing songs made by Twice, both standing. You were trying to pull down the taller male, while Felix was trying to pull down Adrian. At some point, they all feel asleep. Besides you and Adrian, the two of you were still awake. You had a mischievous glint in your eyes, grabbing your phone, and putting on a air horn sound. Then playing it at the loudest volume. " What the fuck?!" Felix asked, being the only one that woke up.

" This is what happens when you wake me up." You said calmly, putting your phone back into your pocket. Felix playfully gave you a glare, and ruffled your hair. Vincent had a smile on his face, watching the two of you interact.

The car had arrived at your destination, you got out of the car, and made your way towards the Kevin and patted his cheek lightly. Seeing as he wasn't waking up, you went towards his body, and started lightly giving kisses around his neck. Arian had now woke up from his sleep.

Kevins body moved on instinct, wrapping his arms around your waist and brining you closer. He started opening his eyes, and looked into yours and had. A smile on his face. " Morning." You said, Kevin gave you a smile, and rubbed his face. " We arrived." You said.

Kevin got out of the car, but was still holding onto you. " The sand is pink." You said looking down at the ground, Adrian was the most excited out of you all. He grabbed your hand and started running off to the area and looked around, having an excited look on his face.

The two of you ran away, and headed towards a large clothing area. The others watched as the two of you ran off together, smiling at each other and following after you guys.

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