Track 76

387 12 0

" So! I'm thinking about having a monster alternate universe... he could be something like a giant tentacle monster?" Adrian asked his friend with. A smile, " .... Oh, and of course he should have eight appendages! Or more! I'm okay with you making decisions about that..." (F)Nerd had a slight blank look on his face. " This.... Is kind weird, considering the subject I'm writing about is here. You're okay with this?" She asked looking towards Felix.

Felix just shrugged his shoulder not caring, " Well... anyway! Make sure you make them extra thick and slimy!" He exclaimed with a Lagrange smile on his face. " Just so you know, I'm charging you $50 extra for scenes like this..." She said, " Its okay!" He said, " Fine fine, I'll write it.. where did you get all this money to commission me, by the way?"

" Vincent and Y/N has been spoiling me lately... they let me buy whatever I want!" He cooed with a smile, " Just let me know your PayPal later.... Oh, speak of the devil!" Adrian said looking towards Vincent and Y/N with a smile on his face. " Hello! How are you doing?" Vincent asked with a smile, " Hehe, I'm good thanks!" Adrian said letting out a giggle.

" What are you working on? Can I see?" Y/N asked looking towards (F)Nerd with a smile. " Sure, here you go." She said handing him the notebook that she had written on. " NO!!!!" Adrian yelled, " Let's see here..."

When he was reading the notes, that the girl had written he had a small blush on his face. There was mentions of tentacles, and doing the devils tango. And for some reason, Felix was a version of Ursula and Adrian was a version of Ariel. While, Y/N was a Siren.

Vincent looked over Y/N's shoulder then rose out into a bright blush. " Are you aware that he's commissioning a smut fic between the three of you?" Vincent asked looking at Felix, while Adrian had comical tears roll down the side of his face. " I gave him permission." Felix said shrugging his shoulders.

" I rad the pic and made fan art of it." Felix said showing her the kinky image that he had created for the story. " W-Wow... maybe writing tentacle fits is wroth it..." She said looking at the image with a smile on her face.

{ Silent Type } Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora