Track 39.5

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Your exams had ended earlier than most classes, and the night before you had gotten a text from your friend saying that the two of you had to finish up your final project and hand it in the day after. Since you were on your phone, and texting Felix. You told him that they didn't have to wait for you after exams where done.

Now you were inside a empty dance room, sweat rolling down the side of your face, and panting slightly. Also waiting for your friend to come back and give you the water that she promised. You were laying on the ground, saying that the floor was cold, you slightly flinched when you felt something cold hitting the side of your cheek. " Here you go." (F) Y/N said looking at you.

You grumbled for a second, and reached up to the cold water that she was holding in her hand. You drank the water in a hurried pace, having not having a bit of water since your day had started. " Jeez, slow down. I'm not going to take it from you." (F) Y/N said in a teasing tone, while she took small gulps of her water. You looked at your friend having an unimpressed look on your face.

" I haven't had anything to drink, and your the one that called me to come finish this project." You said, she raised her hands in the air in a false defensive way. " Sorry, sorry." She said looking at you. you looked at the water that she was holding in her hand, " Could you pour that on me? It's hot." You asked looking at the still half full water bottle in her hand.

(F)Y/N looked down at you for a second, "Are you serious?" She asked in a deadpanned tone, you looked up at her having a serious look. " Yes, it's fucking hot." You exclaimed. She gave out a sigh, then uncapped the water bottle and poured some of her water onto your body. You gave out a happy sigh, feeling the cold water on your body.

Then you got up from your laying spot, and looked at her giving a small smile. " Let's get back to work." You said, feeling energized since you had gotten your water, and been cooled down. " Fine. But only for another hour, then were taking the video right?" She asked looking at you, you gave her a nod. The two of your continued doing the dance, after an hour the two of you did the video then handed it in.

Happy that the two of you were done the project that the two of you had been working on for a while now. " Hey, someone picking you up?" She asked. You looked at your friend, then took a large gulp of your water. " No, I'm probably just going to walk back to my dorm." You responded. " You want to join me and my girlfriends for something to eat?" (f) Y/N asked.

You thought about it for second and agreed with her, " Sure, I'm not doing anything after anyways." The two of you then got up from your spot and walked out of the dance studio.

The two of you were waiting outside the studio, you looked up from your phone when you felt your friend hitting your arm. " What?" You asked, " My girlfriends are here." She said, then walking the three of them and giving a kiss to each one. For a second you looked at her in shock, " You're dating all of them?" You asked looking at her. (F)Y/N turned around and faced you, having a hand on her waist. " Yes. Is that a problem?" She asked having a eyebrow raised, looking at you.

"No, that's not it. Just why didn't you tell me?" You asked, she broke out into a smile. " Well, I'm dating another person, but she should be joining us soon." (F)Y/N responded. Now the five of you were walking towards a cafe to get something to eat.

As the five of you were eating, a taller female came towards the table that you guys were sitting at. (F)Prep got up from her spot, and was the first person that gave the taller blonde girl a kiss. The others then doing the same, while you looked at her, having a slight glare on your face, trying to think about who she looks like. " Oi, you have a problem with her?" (F)Prep asked you looking at you. You turned and faced her, seeing that the girls all had a slight glare, looking at you.

" No, it's just. Do you have a brother?" You asked her. When you asked that, the taller female seemed to brighten when you mentioned her brother. " I do! Do you know him?" She asked you. " Yeah, I'm dating him." You said looking at her. She had a hand out for you to shake, " Nice to meet you! I'm (F)Jock!" You took her hand and shook it.

Now the six of you were sitting together and getting to know each other. (F)Jock, then took your attention when she showed you pictures of Kevin when he was younger. When she did that, your eyes glistened. " Do you want me to send them to you?" She asked having a smile on her face. "Yes please." You said.

Time had went by fast, happily talking with each other.

You checked the time on your phone, and excused yourself saying that you were going to take your leave. Before you left, they gave you their numbers so that you guys could be friends.


Currently you had your head on Kevins shoulder, looking through Netflix and trying to find a movie to watch. You looked up at him, and noticed how similar he had not changed that since he was a child. While you looked at your boyfriends faces, you had such a loving look in your eyes. " You wanna pick the movie babe?" He asked, facing you.

For a second you stayed quiet, looking into his eyes. Then you shocked him, when you went in and captured his lips in a kiss. Grabbing the remote from his hand and looking for a movie. " Let's watch this one." You said having a small smile on your face. Ignoring the fact that your boyfriend was red, and as hiding his face in your neck. 

" I love you." You said, breaking the taller male even more. Giving out a chuckle when you felt him nuzzle more against you. The two of you stayed like that for awhile, he had now calmed down. " Can I send this to the group chat?" You asked, showing him a baby photo that was given to you by his sister. When he saw the picture that you had, he combusted once again.

For the rest of the night, the two of you were spending time together. With the occasional whine of him not wanting you to show the picture. The two of you then fell asleep together. Both of you having a smile on your faces.

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