Track 33

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" You should confront your feelings for him!"

" Yes bun.."

That is the conversation you and Vincent had before he left your dorm, now he was going back to his dorm. " Grr.... Feelings..." Vincent said in a mumble. " Why does it have to be so hard. " I'm baaaaaaaack..." Vincent grumbled walking into the living room, " What's up. I heard you were getting drunk in Y/N's room."  Felix said smoking a cigarette.

Vincent then sat next to him, " Uh, your face is...... kinda red...?" Felix said having a confused look as Vincent plopped onto the sofa next to him, having his eyes closed in slight embarrassment. " Hey..." Felix said reaching over to his lovers face, and grabbing ahold of his face and making Vincent face him. " Are you still hungover?" Felix asked.

Vincent was looking at him with a blush on his face, " Wait here, I'll get you an Advil or something." Felix said about to get up from his seat and get him something. Vincent stayed silent for a second and grabbed his wrist, " W-Wait...!" He said. Felix looked down at him in confusion, " I'm not hungover. I just wanna hangout with you. On the coach." Vincent said looking at him.

"Okay..." Felix said, then taking the spot next to him again, now the two of them were sitting together in an awkward moment. Vincent had now idea on how to tell him about his emotions. " Hey I'm sorry for not noticing your feelings for me before." Vincent said looking away from him. " Oh really. Me fucking you tenderly on a bed of rose petals wasn't already a huge hint?" Felix asked in a sarcastic way.

" Shut up, I'm trying to have a heartfelt conversation here." Vincent responded back. " Well, it's not entirely your fault either. I'm sorry for not being forwards enough with my feelings." Felix said while taking a huff of his cigarette. " I was afraid that things would change between us, y'know." Felix said looking at the male. Vincent then grabbed onto Felix's face and brought their bodies closer than before.

" AHH you idiot! You're telling me that I could have had a boyfriend sooner this entire time???" Vincent asked in slight annoyance. " I said I was sorry!" Felix responded back and grabbing onto the back of his shirt and pulling him off his face, then soon calming down, " Well, how about this then?" Felix than leaned in and captured the blonds lips and then soon separating. " There. I like, like you."

Vincent was looking at him having a slightly shocked look on his face, until. " ... You taste like puke." Felix said sticking his tongue out and looking down at it. " I threw up three teams on the way here, be nice!" Vincent said, trying to defend himself.

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