Track 65

534 14 0

[ I skipped a few chapters, since it was just getting the cat some food. ]

Adrian and Y/N had walked into Kevin's dorm. Adrian and Y/N had their arms linked together and walked towards their tall boyfriend with a box of strawberries. " Hey, I got you the strawberries!" Adrian exclaimed holding the box with a smile. " Ah, thanks! I was waiting for those!"

Kevin had a surprised look as he looked at the surprisingly large strawberries. " Wow, these are some big juicy strawberries...."

" Vincent took us to a really fancy grocery store, and got us the more expensive strawberries." Y/N said while going up on the counter, Adrian followed after, a strawberry in hand while he was there. " What are you baking now?"

" I've got some cupcakes backing in the oven! I'm planning to decorate them with pink festooning and strawberries on top. I'm almost done with the frosting actually."

" Wow! It looks like in those bake-off shows~" Adrian said while munching on the rest of the strawberry that he had brought. " I just need to whip it up a bit more..."

" It looks good, can I have a little taste?" Y/N asked looking at the bowl that had the frosting. Kevin had a smile on his face, brining his whisk out and accidentally getting the frosting on Y/N's face.  " Of course! Here, have a lick—"

Y/N ended up having some frosting on his shirt, neck fingers, and face. " Oops... I'm.... I'm sorry...!" Kevin started stuttering, meanwhile Y/N looked at his fingers and started licking them clean. Not knowing the effect that he had on his boyfriends, Adrian was the first to move and he started licking the icing off of Y/N's neck. Kevin looked at the two, face now red as he watched Adrian lick off the frosting.

The sound of giggles from Y/N somehow turning him on even more. " He could probably use some help, there's still some frosting on my cheek." Kevin seemed to get redder but he went towards him and started licking off the icing from his cheek. And while the moment was getting hot, the sound of the oven going off ruined the moment. " M-My cupcakes!" Kevin yelled, pushing away a red Y/N, meanwhile Adrian had not stopped on the neck.

The two of them  continued while Kevin was trying to save his cupcakes.

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