Track 4 + 5

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You were at a party, someone from your class invited you saying it was a college party for students. Not having anything to do and being caught up on work since it was only the first day, you decided that you would go and try to be social for a few seconds of your life.

You were regretting every second of it. Loathing every second that you were out of bed. You were slightly grumbling underneath your breath. Until a hand was placed into your hand causing you to flinch a bit.

You made eye contact with the male from before.

Jocks P.O.V

I just finished talking to the upperclassman that had invited me, and asked a female out, but got turned down since she already had a relationship. I started looking around the room, then noticing the boy from before. Deciding to try to forget the way we met, I went toward him. " Hey you wanna dance?"

He looked at me for a few seconds, I expected for him to deny me since he didn't seem like the type to dance or anything with other people in general.

"Sure." He said looking up at me. I had a blush on my face not expecting for him to agree so quickly. I cleared my throat, having my hand out towards him. We danced for a few minutes. I noticed that he was actually quite good, when we stopped I introduced myself to him. He did the same. I learned that his name was Y/n.

As we were talking I noticed him looking in another area. Seeing a male that had black hair and was smoking and on his phone. ' Crap another cute guy.'

I then felt my self staring to move, Y/n was holding onto my wrist as he was walking towards him

Your P.O.V

I saw a guy in the corner standing alone. I didn't want him to be alone so I decided that I would go up to him. I also didn't want to leave the boy, who's name I learned was Kevin. So I dragged him with me walking toward him.

When I got up to him, I tugged into his shirt catching his attention. We looked into each other's eyes, he had a smirk as he was looking down. " Do you wanna dance?" I asked.

He looked at me, taking a sip of his drink. Then placing one hand on the wall over my head. I had a blush on my face as I looked up at the male. " Mmm.... Aren't you a pretty looking one?" He said. "Dancings not my forte, but whaddya say we get outta here?" He asked rubbing  my cheek.

" I know a place with a lot of toys that we can play with...all of us." He said turning to face Kevin having a smirk on his face. Felix broke out into a blush when he saw the other male walk towards him.
We were inside what I assumed was his room, playing jenga. Both of the males were saying very suggestive sentences. The door then opened a blond male asking what we were doing having a look of shock. The staying there for a few seconds looking at us and seeing us playing a simple game.

" Please okay jenga in your own room

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" Please okay jenga in your own room...." He said looking at us.

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