Track 79

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" It's very kind of you to offer that... but the truth is, I am not of this world." The two humans were surprised rightfully so. " I came from the sea, to learn more of your world. A sea witch granted me a pair of legs to walk the land, and the ability to speak your language... and, I have.."

At that moment, the sea witch appeared right before their eyes. " Get your hands off of him." The sea witch boomed. Behind him, the young siren had appeared, and swam towards his lover. " Wait, stop!" The merman's voice ran out. " They are the people who took care of me during the time I was here. Please don't hurt them okay?"

The sea witch paused, " Is that so....? Well, alright then."

The merman then made his way towards the siren that was now hiding behind the taller of his lovers, a soft smile. " Don't worry, they're kind. They aren't going to harm you."

Despite their awkward first encounter, the prince invited the sea witch and siren to a feast. " I hope the food is to your taste...." The prince mumbled. " They use tridents to scoop your food?"

" Yes! I thought they were used to comb your hair, but turns out it isn't so."

" Hm, curious." The siren said looking at the fork. After the feast, the sea witch stood up from his seat. Reaching a hand towards the siren, " This has been nice, and your hospitality is greatly appreciated... but I believe it is time for us to return back to our world."

" Wait, so soon?"

" Of course. Your men don't take kindly to strange creatures like us, do they? You should've seen you own faces when you first saw me." Then he remember the looks on their faces, the way that the fisherman had a hand out towards the prince, while had a look of fear. " W-Well, that's—-!"

The sea witch looked at the fisherman, " We apologize for such unsightly reaction. It's true that humans are wary of those unfamiliar to them... but if you give us time, we may learn to understand each other."

" Would you not give them the chance?" The merman asked, " They have been nothing but kind to me, and I'm sure they'll treat you the same way too."

" ... Fine. I suppose I can stay around for a wile longer. But, what about you beloved?" The siren looked towards his lovers, and saw that the merman wanted to stay on land. " I guess we can stay for a few days."

The two went through the same motions as the merman, and in no time at all, grew to know the humans well. But eventually... " I have seen them for what they are, and I judge them to be good for you. I must return back to the sea, but if you wish it, you are free t stay here for as log as you want." The fisherman said grabbing onto the merman's hands. " Eh?? But... I don't want to part with you permanently! Neither of you!"

Before the trio could go on with their conversation, the humans called out to them. " Hope we're not bothering you folks, but I realized that you haven't answered out question from before." Then he grasped onto the merman's hands, " We don't mean to rush you at all.."

" .... But we were wondering if you're still interested in being part of our lives." The merman knew that he would have to answer them at some point. " I would love to, but..."

" Oh! And also... we would like to extend that invitation to the two of you." The two of them had surprised looks on their faces, " W-Wait, us?" He asked pointing at himself, and looking at his shorter lover. " Yes, the two of you!" The fisherman beamed, "Of course,we don't expect you to stay here if you don't want to. But your company has been lovely, and we would love to see you again."

" ...So, how about it?"

" That sounds great doesn't it?" The merman asked with a smile looking at the two, " If you'll have us then...."

" ... We would love to be with you guys!" So the merman, sea with, the siren, and humans spent a lot of their live together.

" And they live happily every after!" (F)Nerd exclaimed while throwing her hands into the air.  " I want what they have..."

" You were complying up a storm one episode ago."

" You publish with them? That's so cool! What's the name?" Y/N asked with a smile on his face, " It's a secret...." Felix said resting his chin on his hand.

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