Track 45

730 14 0

The four of you were playing together in the water, the sun now starting to set. Vincent looked at the four of you in confusion, wondering why you looked like the attractive anime men that appear on shows. " Am I seeing things...? Why do they look so.... Ah I must be drunk." He said to himself, then he took a long sip of another one of drinks.

You looked towards the blond, then looked towards you other boyfriends and started whispering a plan to them. The three of them agreed and looked towards the blond with a smile. "Yo. Hand over your drink." Felix said. " Huh? And why would I do that?" Vincent asked looking at the black haired male. " Just gimme." Felix said grabbing Vincent's wrist. " H-Hey what are you—"

Before he could say anything, Kevin and Felix kissed his cheeks. You and Adrian grabbed his hands, and gave a kiss. Vincent had a blush on his face, then he looked at the four of you. "Ehh???"

"Huh? HUH??" He said looking at you guys, he then combusted into flames. Holding his face, " W-W-What was that all about!!!" Vincent asked. " You know! You took us all the way here... to what's a pretty summer resort..." Adrian said. " So we just wanna say.... Thank you!!!" The three of you said at the same time, giving him a smile.

Vincent gave you guys a flustered look, then he went over to the four of you and gave you guys a hug. " I..... I'm just glad you guys are able to enjoy yourselves...!" He said, wrapping his arms around you guys.

{ Silent Type } Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz