Track 77

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Once upon a time, there was a silent siren and a young merman that had a fascination for the human world.

The young merman had frequented the shores above because.... A lone fisherman had caught his attention. He was oh-s0-very cute! Then an image of the backside of Kevin could be seen.

But the two lived in different worlds, and getting to know each other was no easy task. Still, the mermaid was determined to learn about the goings-on of the human world.

And one of his lovers saw that he wanted to talk to the human that he saw almost everyday. So, he swam deep into the depths.... To seek out help from his other lover, the sea-witch.

The witch was known to grant wishes of those who dared to ask him. And so the young siren said, " It seems that Adrian wants to see the world beyond the shores. Would you grant him a pair of legs, so that he may venture the lands above? There seems to be another that had caught his eyes, I just wish for him to be happy."

The witch was weary of him and kind, so he hesitated. But who was he to deny his lover's request? The two of them had called for the young merman, they both asked if he wanted to see the world above. For a moment the merman thought, and agreed. " I will grant you your legs, but.... If it's no bother to you, please take this pendant along. It contains a piece of my heart and his soul, so I hope you want forget about us."

" Oh." The merman exclaimed, " I shall never forget about you, my dears."

He had given thee two a kiss, and after the witch told him that his legs would form once he left the water. The merman then swam up.... And once he reached the shores....

The story stopped there since (F)Nerd had not finished the story, " Huh? What, why am I not in the story?" Vincent asked, " You'll be in the next chapter, be patient!" she yelled, " Woah! Your art is cool!" Kevin exclaimed, " Thx."

" Don't I look cute?" Adrian asked with a smile.

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