Track 57

557 11 0

" Hurry up! I don't wanna be late to his football practice!" Vincent exclaimed, walking with his smallest boyfriends hand in his as he speed-walked.

Felix had a confused look on his face as he looked at the quickly moving arm. "....Football practice? I thought he played basketball?" He asked wanting to make sure that he was right about what he asked.

Adrian was walking behind him with a smile, " He does, but he's not on the basketball team." The blue haired male explained.

" He told me that it's more of a hobby, and exercise for him." Y/N told him.

Vincent had came to a stop when he saw the football field, and his boyfriend that was standing in with his team. " Ooh~ there he is!" Vincent pointed out for his boyfriends to also see.

On the field, Kevin's teammate saw his lovers. " Hey, isn't that your boyfriend?" One of them asked, wanting to know if that was him.

Another one of his teammates looked at the other male and told him, " It Boyfriends, dude, plural." Kevin looked at the direction were his teammates were looking. " Oh.....!! Hey guys! Thanks for making it my practice~" Kevin yelled, " Of course hun we'd support you!!" Vincent yelled with a smile. Waving his hand at him, Adrian joining in with the greetings and waving hello.

Happily cheering for the buff male, Kevin walked towards his coach ,wanting to make sure that they wouldn't get in trouble for coming. " Coach, it's okay for them to watch out practice, right?" The older man gave him a nod, " Of course, as long as they don't distract you from the field." He responded, then he turned to the rest of the team. " Alright! We'll start off with some kickoff and punting drills. Get in positions, boys!" He yelled, then blew his whistles.

The team had now started practice, one of the players was running towards the ball and had kicked it weirdly, surprising himself. " Oh, shoot, sorry coach! That was kind of a weird angle!" He apologized.

Kevin watched the ball flying over his head and make its way towards his four lovers that was sitting at the stands. Felix's eyes widened when he saw the ball coming towards his head, and almost as if a target was on it, the other three looked at a area no his forehead. Yet, seemed like Kevin all of a sudden had a fish of power and speed since he ran towards the ebony haired male at a surprisingly fast speed.

He picked Felix up and put him down onto Vincents lap, then turning around and catching the football. " I got it!" Kevin said while holding the ball in the air with a happy, and relieved look on his face. " Ooh, that was so cool!" Vincent exclaimed, clapping his hands and having a small blush on his face.

" Hehe, thank you, thank you~" Kevin responded rubbing the back of his head with a sheepish smile on his face. But next to them, Felix had a hand over his heart and was trying to catch his breath. " G-Geez...."

' I almost died...!'

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