Track 80

375 10 0

" Yo guys! We're having a basketball match, do you wanna watch?" (F)Jock asked with a smile on her face, with a hand on her brothers shoulder. " I didn't agree to this...." Kevin groaned with a frown, " Sure! We can track scores for you!" (F)Prep exclaimed with a bright smile on her face, " I'd love to see you play!" Adrian yelled, cheering with Vincent. " You know you don't have to if you don't wanna...." Felix said.

" Well if you guys wanna watch, then I can't refuse!" Kevin said brightening up, " Alright, may the one-on-one..... begin!" The ball then got thrown up into the air. (F)Jock was able to grab the ball since she was taller, and had more skill in the sport. " Still short on your jumps, I see! You're not gonna win tip-offs with jumps like that!" She said, placing a hand onto her brothers head.

" And here I thought you've been practicing while I was away..." She teasingly said, Kevin let out a grumbled and was able to steal the ball from her. " You were saying?" He asked, the lovers of the two let out surprised gasps as they watched the gameplay.

" Wow! Just like in my basuke animes!" Adrian said, with an excited look on his face. Kevin had a proud look on his face, (F)Jock for a moment was surprised, " Not much of a snot-nosed brat anymore, are you... alright then! Show me what else you got!"

" Bring it on, sis!" Kevin exclaimed, competitive spirits sparking between the two.

After a few rounds, (F)Jock went towards her girlfriends. " Yay! I won!" She said, her girlfriends happily congratulating her.

" Sorry guys.... I have sullied your honor...." Kevin said while on his hands and knees, facing the ground. " Don't worry about it!" Adrian said, " Chin up, dude."

" She is a basketball champ, so it's understandable...." Vincent said placing a hand onto Kevin's back.

" Well, if it makes you feel better you looked good."

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