Track 91

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" I'll get the cinnamon rolls out of the oven~" Cooed Kevin. A smile on his face as he went to the kitchen. While the Vincent and (F)Prep fought over the now empty bottle, Felix and Adrian calmed Vincent down, and went to the kitchen. Stoping when they saw mistletoe above them. " Ah...! A mistletoe! Did you hang that up?" Adrian asked.

" Oh right, I did." Felix said. " Does that mean we have to kiss now?" Y/N asked, " I mean , that's the tradition right?" Vincent said, the five of them started leaning in. But stopped when they realized that they didn't figure out how to do it yet.

" Wait. Don't tell me you haven't figure how to five-way kiss.." (F)Prep said with a smirk on her face. " Oh, shut up!" Vincent yelled with an embarrassed blush on his face. " It's not that hard guys. Just watch..."

(F)Goth kissed, (F)Prep, (F)Jock kissing (F)Nerd. While, (F)Y/N had a smile on her face, and once they had finished. (F)Jock kissed (F)Goth, (F)Nerd kissed (F)Prep. Then (F)Prep kissed (F)Jock, and (F)Goth and (F)Nerd kissed. Once they were all done, (F)Y/N went to each of her girlfriends and happily kissed them all. " See, it's easy, right?" (F)Prep asked looking at a blank looking Vincent.

" How many kisses was that?" Felix asked, " Four, one for each person you kiss." Adrian said, while Vincent was whining how (F)Prep was flexing her relationship. " Hmph! I can do it too!" Vincent said looking towards his boyfriends, then he gave each of them a kiss. Being bold bold. Leaving Felix slightly flustered since he was the one that normally made the move first, while the other three had a fluffy vibe around them.

Omake :

The girlfriends had now left, while the boyfriends were now cleaning up the table, and just doing the dishes. While they were doing so, Y/N had a blush on his face while thinking about how he was going to give his lovers the gift that he had prepared for them.

He noticed that Felix was currently alone and cleaning up the table were they played games. Slowly, Y/N walked behind him, and wrapped his arms around his shoulder. " Hey Bun." Felix said with a smile, looking at the fluffy h/c hair. " I have my gift for you guys." He mumbled into his back. Felix had a smile on his face, turning around and wrapping his arms around him.

Y/N handed Felix a small, box, Felix had a confused look. But still took the box, when he opened the box, inside was a silver band. " Y/N.... What's this?" Felix asked with a smile on his face, " It's a promise ring..... I remember my dad saying that he gave one to my mom, saying that they would spend their lives together, making each other happy. And, I want to make you guys a promise that I'm going to try to keep you guys happy." Y/N mumbled. Felix had a blush on his face, and had soft look on his face.

Felix placed a hand onto Y/N's head. " I love it, and, I'm sure that they love it too. And, I promise to also make you happy." He said, the other boyfriends heard, Vincent went towards Y/N, happily wrapping his arms around his waist.

The night ended well.

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