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"If you don't leave in the next five minutes then I'm afraid you will be charged with trespassing," A policeman said, his eyes shielded with black aviators, the type that screamed no respect.

"Listen to me. This is my wealth, my hard work, just tell me who dared to deprive me of my rights. No! This misfortune won't happen to me," He restlessly panicked and brought out his phone, probably to contact a lawyer but a bouncer snatched it before he could.

"All of your possessions, including clothes, phone, and everything that you have now belong to our boss. You should vacate this place in three minutes, Sir," The lawyer stated.

At last, Omar Hassan, who was still thinking about how that dreadful incident happened, was being dragged out of the house, with nowhere to go. Not knowing whether to cry or scream, he looked at the gigantic house in front of him and then walked away in shame, nothing was left with him except the clothes and the flip-flops he was wearing.

He was walking with a cascaded head and devastated heart when he saw a small kiosk where calls could be made. Quickly, he searched his pockets, grateful that he still had twenty thousand Naira with him.

"How much is being paid for the calls?" He asked the shop owner.

"One minute is fifty Naira, Sir," The man responded.

Omar was then handed an old rickety Nokia that was functioning with the aid of rubber bands, he collected it with shaky hands and dialled a person's number, the only person that would be able to help him. He prayed that the person would forgive him, knowing there would be a very low chance of that due to his actions. That is why we should never be too arrogant, you might never know who will help you in the future.


Marwa and her cousins were in Fawzan's Mercedes Benz G350, they just returned from submitting their weekly manuscripts. Fawzan didn't start driving, he was waiting for his sister and his cousin to settle in the car. His phone pinged and he brought it out of his pocket and saw that it was an e-mail. When he read the mail that was sent to him, Fawzan had to rub his eyes and read again before letting out an ear-piercing scream that frightened both the girls.

"Guys, I bagged the post!" Fawzan screamed happily, his deep voice echoing in the car.

"What post?" Marwa grumbled with a smile, seeing her cousin—brother happy made her elated too.

"I am now Captain Fawzan Omar Hassan, Qahtani's airways blessed me with such a huge promotion," As if waiting for him to complete the sentence, Shukrah and Marwa jumped on him like predators.

Qahtani's Airways is the highest-ranked airline in the world which opened six years ago, their efficiency in carrying out their business has got people wondering if there would be someone competing with the world's best airline in years to come. No matter how strong your connections are, if you are not fit enough, you won't even be hired to be a janitor there, not to talk of a senior pilot. The company also has a personal airport in Saudi Arabia where all their planes land.

It was rumoured to be owned by the Sultan of Saudi Arabia, Hakami Abdou Al-Qahtani, and the fact that the said person didn't deny owning it made people conclude that he was the brains behind that great airline.

"Captain! As in a senior pilot who commands the crew of an aeroplane?!" Marwa asked with mouth agape, she was panting heavily because the words sounded unbelievable even after he showed them the e-mail.

CHASING MARWAOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora