Chapter 6 :The Gliding license

Start from the beginning

Y/n : SHIT I think i slapped him a little too hard!

Paimon : You THINK!

Y/n accidentally slapped the mitachurl with his full strength, killing him instantly and sending his body flying away.

Y/n : ... Yeah , anyways let's get the fuck outta here before we get caught by someone.

Y/n was about to use the secret joestar technique but bunny girl came out of the bush she was hiding to stop him.

Amber : Too late , I'm already here .

Y/n : Shit .

Meanwhile Y/n and Paimon were dragging the mitachurl from his camp to the bridge of the city bunny girl was following them the entire time . Probably someone asked her to find the asshole that was throwing hilichurls inside the city.

Y/n: Umm , hey Amber long time no see .

Amber : Cut the crap Y/n , i already have seen enough to conclude that you are the one who has been yeeting hilichurls inside the city.

Paimon : So you're going to arrest us !

Amber : There's no need to arrest you two , after all you didn't hurt anyone.

Y/n : So , I can keep yeeting hilichurls at the city.

Amber : Nope , if you keep doing that, then I will need to arrest you.

Y/n : Hmph, it doesn't matter if you arrest me , I will just escape in a very badass way.

Amber : I doubt that you would have the mental capability to escape the mondstadt prison.

Y/n : Bet?

Y/n and Amber started arguing about Y/n being able to escape the mondstadt prison or not. To make things more fun Paimon decided to tell Amber about Y/n weakness. SLIMES.

Paimon : Amber since Y/n could easily break every cell the knights could put him in. Why don't make a cell full of slimes especially for him.

Y/n : W-what you're talking about ! Slimes won't be able to do anything against me.

Amber /Paimon : Are you sure about that.

Y/n : Y-yes !

Amber : Really? Because yesterday I saw you almost get killed by a gang of cyro slimes while you were fishing.

Y/n : SHIT SHE KNOWS! But i , hmm i... shit what do I say think Y/n THINK!

Paimon : Well ,looks slimes actually are Y/n weakness.

Y/n : *sigh* I hate to admit it but you right.

Amber : It's good for you to know about this . Now if I remember correctly, you don't have a gliding license do you?

Y/n: Paimon ate it.

Paimon : HEY!

Amber : Y/n you need to have a gliding license to legally glide in mondstadt.

Y/n : What the fuck? Isn't mondstadt the city of freedom?

Paimon : But Y/n and Paimon have been gliding for ages. This is the first we've heard about it.

Amber : I know about that. Everyone noticed a certain someone throwing hilichurls inside the city.

Y/n: Wonder who that asshole would be.

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