Defection - 32

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"Please don' too old to digest everything in a short time"she took her purse and jacket,hooking her arm to her lovers as they walked out happy


We both think it's the happy ending epilog where they go back home,cuddling into each other with their kid added to the mixture,yeah i hoped so to,but instead

As she walked the street to her apartment her seventh sense tensed and she felt not one but thre different people behind her,she made her walk longer switching turns and alleys,fortunately there weren't much to mislead them,she thought that chapter of her life was finished and turned into pixie dust

Unaware that it wasn't over yet,it might never end,she stopped in her tracks facing them"explain before bones start to crack"she threatened in a toneless voice she was ready to pause a life

One of them approached stretching a sickle,as he walked up to her,a sly smirk on his face,he lunges to stab her,and swiftly his hand was redirected to his chest and the blade deepened straight to his heart,milliseconds and it strikes his airway struggling to breath through

As it choked him slowly,her eyes darkened pulling the sickle out,running the blade along his neck,staring at both of them as if she could smell their fear washing over them,pushing his lifeless body as it fell to the ground in a pathetic thud

One of them launched in her direction and the other tried to hit her with his throwing blade's that she avoided efficiently without breaking a single drop of sweat,as she blocked the first one's blows with brass knuckles clinched in both fists

She sighs as they got tired oblivious to what they got themselves into"i hate to go back to this life"she leans to the side in a blink of an eye"apparently she's holding on me tight for dear life"she mocked as she found the reckless one giving her too much access to his abdomen,in which she slid her sickles blade gutting him,and the other was coming for his own death

Thanks to the navigating jogs when she moved here,she led the to an abandoned alley struggling to get a glimpse of the street lights but failing miserably,looking down at herself everything's still intact except for blood splatters on well,her new clothes

On the roof top with a trash can in front of her burning the clothes into nothing,she sighed overthinking everything,she paused for a second debating if she should call her mother and question her or just meet her in person,jess called running down a background check on their ID's

Finding that they don't relate to her mothers men, got her even more worried,the fire died down as the clothes turned into ashes she pulled a couple of plants mixing them together and there you have it 'no evidence no crime' fingers crossed

Ring Ring...

"Hello my queen"she said through the phone with a hoarse voice lacing her throat deepening her words

"Hi baby"she got quiet but Kendra knew something was coming so she let it prevail"i-ughh just come over..please"Evelyn sounded weary she had a handful of things on her mind,taking her out for lunch seemed to work on the rest of the work day,but then Kendra had her regular life job to attend to

"Im actually outside"she said before a figure peeked from the curtains,minutes later the door is opened and locked behind them

Hanging her coat on the hook,slipping her palms to clasp with hers,leading them up the stairs to her bedroom,laying next to each other,faces inches away,nothing but their eyes talking,their breaths mixing together,Kendra pushing her body on hers firmly,Evelyn buries her face in the crook of her neck,as the girls fingers stroked the golden waves humming to her lovers ears

"Move in with me...i understand if you don't want to"the woman mumbles against her skin

"Wait...really"she stopped stroking her hair locks as Evelyn peered up to her,with a soft smile on her dark pink lips"your kidding right"Kendra asks again feeling her heart skip a beat

She leans up on her elbows"Baby im earnestly asking you to move in with me"she affirmed her request

"What about Adam,isn't he basically loving here"

"No i thought he came to visit,but he had a case that stretched more than he predicted"she pouted a little"he had to leave this morning since he got a different case in Chicago,and just so you know im not replacing him by you"

Kendra giggled kissing her lips"i don't care if you are,all i want is you and my little Angel"

"So is that a yes,or an i'll think about it"she bites on her bottom lip,knowing what breaks her girls thin walls

"Don't do that"

"Do what"she digs her teeth's harder on her lip

"Your getting me horny,biting your lip like that"she averts her eyes away

Evelyn smirks running her hand down teasing whats between her legs"how does it feel like now"she whispered huskily watching the girls expression as it flips intently,raising a brow since she didn't get a reply she pressed her fingers harder against her core getting a whimper out of the stubborn girls lips

Leaning up to her ears"I need words my love"she breathed after flicking her tongue on the soft skin of her ear

She breathed a heavy exhale"g-good"she broke a muffled moan

"I love how sensitive you get,when i touch you"she slowly said her words seductively. Letting her fingers gently move faster with every stroke Kendra's moans got louder,a couple of minutes later she brought her hand out of her pants close to Kendra's mouth she took her fingers in delightedly

Evelyn captured her lips in a slow kiss,that Kendra made rough,as she passionately devoured her own taste and her lovers lips,flipping them over"hmmm it will be nice,to get to do this everyday"their gazes lock momentarily Evelyn smiles pulling her by the collar

Kissing her jawline and down to her sweet spot,now she can mark her as much as she wanted,letting whoever looked at her know she's taken,Kendra's lips suckled and kissed all over her neck as she slipped her hand down to her breasts circling them smoothly before her lips reached them nibbling on her nipples

Evelyn couldn't fight her moans anymore,she let the break free"ah...fuck"Kendra decided to end her suffering and went down between her legs pulling her sweatpants,panties off,with Evelyn watching her determined expression with heavy eyelids,she smiled seeing her smile

Holding eye contact,Kendra smirked licking along her vagina,making her woman's body tense up under the longed for contact,not having sex since the graduation paid it's deeds

Throwing her head back in pleasure,eyes fluttered closed as Kendra magically made her climax,but she kept devouring her core hungrily,she laced their hands together,tugging on Kendra's locks as she rode her high

The girl kissed her now warm core,kissing the back of her hand,going up to take her lips,letting her tongue explore her mouth,she pecks her lips another time feeling as if she can never get enough of kissing her, pulling the covers over them"i love you,so much"Kendra whispered close enough to her ear breathing warmly against it

"I love you to"she kissed her cheek as Kendra hugged her body into hers,nuzzling her face in the crook of Evelyn's neck,planting soft kisses while her fingers caressed the back of her neck rhythmically,calming Evelyns high rocketing nervous pumping too much adrenaline

They slept through the night like little baby's,cuddled up in one another's arms,frightened of letting the contact slip off their fingertips,it was one of many beautiful nights they've shared,unawear to whats launching their way...

𝑀𝑆.𝑂𝐿𝑆𝐸𝑁 [𝑊𝐿𝑊] Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora