Chapter 22

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When the realization hit me I acted as fast as I could. "Damon stop!" I screamed as Damon lunged at Tyler, nocking him to the ground. I ran to where they were and tried to pull my brother off of my friend. Suddenly damon was standing up with a tight grip on Tyler's throat, pinning him to the wall. "Damon let go of him!" i shouted as I tugged and pulled on his arm. Damon looked at me for a little wile then loosened his grip on Ty's throat and let him go. After Damon let him go, Ty fell to the ground clutching his throat as he tried to catch his breath. I knelt next to him then looked up at Damon. "what the fucking hell Damon!?!" I yelled. when he didn't do anything but glare at Tyler I felt my self give up. "I need some air." I mumbled, getting up from the floor and vamp speeding out of my room, down the stairs and out of the boarding house. when I was a block away from my house I slowed down so that I was walking. As I walked I thought about everything that had happened that day and sighed. Every time I began to think my thoughts would wonder to Tyler and how I felt when he had given me a ride home. i didn't know what was going on with me but I was determined to figure it out no matter what.
I was In mid thought when the sound of movement caught my attention. "hello?" I called out. suddenly someone grabbed me, dragging me into the darkness of the alley. "hel...-" I tried to scream but a hand quickly covered my mouth, shutting me up. I tried to fight back but the person stuck something in my neck, causing me to grow weak. 'I'm going to die.' And that was the last thing I thought before everything went black.

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