Chapter 16

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"Nice catch Stef." I said. He nodded, a weak smile on his face. Stefan inhaled threw his nose then stiffened and looked away. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "are you ok?" I asked him, making sure only he could hear me. He shook his head. "It's Too strong." He mumbled. When he said that I knew right away what was wrong. I quickly spun around to face the group. "Jeremy, Matt, Tyler and Alaric, bring those three tables over here and put them together." I told them. With out questioning it, they moved the tables to where I told them to. "ok, now every one put your jackets on the tables." I ordered. Doing as I said, every one put their jackets in the tables, some looking at me like I was crazy. I turned to my brother. "Now carefully lay Tara down on the table." I instructed. As soon as he put her on the table the veins on his face disappeared and his eyes returned to their normal color. Stefan smiled at me. "thanks." he said. "No prob, that's what little sisters are for." I responded. He chuckled. When every one went back to playing pool and socializing my brother stayed by the table. As he stood there Looking at my unconscious best friend, Stefan stroked her hair then whispered something in Italian. It took me a while but when I finally realized what he had said my eyes widened. "Oh. My. God." I gasped. "What! what happened?" Caroline questioned after suddenly appearing next to me. "Soul mates." I told her. "what?" she asked. "He found his soul mate, his other half, his heart..... His humanity." I stated. "whose?" she asked. "Stefan's." I answered. "And she is....?" Caroline asked, trying to find out who Stefan's soul mate was. I stood there shocked but still managed to speak. "my best friend......... Tara." I said. Caroline's eyes widened as she looked at the girl lying on the table. Thats when Tara's eyes flew open and she sat up. "Why the hell am I on a table?" She asked. "you fainted but Stefan caught you." I replied. Tara turned to her right, looked at Stefan and blushed. "Thank you." she said. Stefan smiled at her. "Your welcome." He responded. Not liking the attention Tara was getting from Stefan, Elena let out an angry growl, then, before we could stop her........
she lunged.

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