Chapter 8

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"We have History next so....-" i cut him off. "Yea... history, got. I'll, uh, see you in class... ok Stef?" I told him. Stefan looked at me skeptically. "And why can't you just go now?" he asked. I groaned and rolled my eyes. "Just go! I'll catch up with soon." I assured him. "Leigh..." he began. "don't worry I'm not gonna talk to or go near macho jock back there.......... I promise." I told him. Stefan looked at me for a moment then spoke. "ok, see you in class." he said before he turned around and started walking away. "oh and stefan.... no eaves dropping." I said. As he walked Stefan gave me a thumbs up. "got it." he shouted over his shoulder. When he was out of sight I let out a sigh of relief. "What do you want Tyler?" I questioned. "how'd you...?" he started. i spun around to face him. "It's kinda hard to ignore the sound your shoes make on the hallway floor." I replied. "What?" he asked, confused. "no matter how far away, I can always identify a person by the different sounds of their shoes. yours happen to be very obvious because the sound your shoes make is rather loud." I explained. he nodded. "now, I'm gonna ask again; What do you want?" I questioned. A look flashed in Tyler's eyes and for a second he looked, almost.......nervous. And then the look vanished, a smirk taking it's place. "You."

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