(Still chapter 6)

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After Tyler shoved me out of the way I slid backwards,then, failing to keep my balance I fell. my head jolted forward then snapped back, banging into the locker HARD. "Leigh!" I heard someone shout. suddenly Matt was kneeling beside me. "Shouldn't you be in class Blondie?" I asked him. "Stefan's my friend so I came to help him. now.... are you ok?" he questioned. "I don't know, why don't you ask the dent in the locker and my throbbing head." I responded, shooting him a fake smile. Matt rolled his eyes. I looked away from Matt, my eyes landing on where I had been standing. that's when I saw Tyler throw a punch at Jeremy. Jeremy ducked then kicked Tyler's foot causing him to stumble back, at the same time Jeremy elbowed him in the gut. And then Tyler went down, hitting the ground with a thud. 'He's not even attempting to block little gilbert's hits.' I thought. "Jeremy stop!" Someone screamed. I looked down the hall and saw Elena and Stefan running towards us. when Stefan saw me on the ground he sped up, no longer running at human speed. "Leigh! what the hell happened!?" he questioned worriedly. i smiled trying to act like I didn't feel any pain. "I had a little locker beat down session with a locker." I joked. Stefan's eyes narrowed. "he hurt you!" he shouted. "yes but Stefan it was....-" Before I could finish Stefan was up and in front of Tyler. I quickly got up and rushed over to where they were. "Stefan don't!" I shouted when he lunged at Tyler. Using my strength I yanked Stefan off of Tyler and held him back. "if you EVER hurt my little sister again I will make your life a living hell." Stefan threatened. Suddenly feeling protective I spoke. "Stefan, It wasn't his Fault." I told him. He didn't listen, instead he grabbed my arm, turned around and walked away with me close behind him.

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