Chapter 11

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After history, classes went by faster then I would have thought possible, and as the day went on I noticed a lot of things; 1. Tyler is in all of my classes except two, 2. Elena loves being the center of attention, 3. Stefan acts very weird and awkward when Tara's around. 4. Bonnie isn't the only witch at our school, 5. The other witches are twins named Liv and Luke, 6. Luke basically follows Liv like a little puppy. 7. Liv hates me, 8. As far as I'm concerned Liv doesn't have a reason to hate me, 9. Jeremy's a hunter. 10. Alaric was a hunter until he was turned into a vampire, 11. Alaric is Elena and Jeremy's legal guardian, and 12. Elena is Katherine's doppelgänger. The last thing I realized was the biggest and most confusing thing out of all of the things I learned. the last thing was; around me Tyler seemed to be the exact opposite of the person people tolled me he was.

After my last class I went to my locker to get my stuff so I could leave the hell whole called school, go home, and hang out with Damon. "need something Tyler?" I asked before slamming my locker shut and Turning to face him. "Ok two things; 1. How are you so good at knowing who's around you with out looking? and 2. Me, Matt, Caroline, Bonnie and Jeremy are gonna hang at the grill later and Caroline tolled me to tell you that you absolutely HAVE to come but I tolled her Ill ask you if you wanted to go. so.... do you wanna hang out at the grill with us?" He asked. "I uh.... I'm not supposed to.... I...I really shouldn't... I'm sorry." I stuttered. "It's fine, I just... I just thought that... never mind." he muttered, avoiding eye contact with me. Then Tyler turned and started to walk away. 'Eh, I'm already in trouble for lying, it can't get any worse. Time to Live it up.' I told my self. "Tyler wait!" I shouted, running after him. tyler stopped walking and turned around. "What?" he asked. I smiled. "see you at the grill?" I questioned. Tyler smiled, making my heart throb. "yeah... I'll see you there." he said. tyler started to turn again but stopped. "hey Leigh," he said. "yeah?" I responded. "Would you mind if I.... Is it ok if..... if I take you home?" he asked. i bit the corner of my lip, then met his gaze. "I'd like that." I answered. Tyler grinned And then we walked towards the front of the building and to the parking lot. When Tyler and I got to the parking lot I spotted Stefan at the other end of it, looking at us. 'I am so massively screwed when I get home.' I thought as I got onto the back of Tyler's motorcycle. And then we left.

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