Chapter 36

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I looked at my brother with a fake innocent smile hoping he would crack and laugh but when he didnt I knew I was screwed. "Marleigh Raylin Salvatore where hell have you been?!" Stefan yelled. I flinched at the use of my full name "Hotel Transylvania adjacent." I told him. His eyes narrowed. "You think that's funny? And before you tell me think hard about your answer. Think reeeeeal damn hard Marleigh because I've had it up to here with your behavior." He snapped. At this point I was kinda scared, I'd never seen Stefan this mad before and I didnt like it at all. "I.. uh, went to visit a friend." I finally told him. "So you skipped school to visit a friend? And how, may I ask, did you get there?" Stefan questioned angrily. I looked down at the floor to avoid eye contact. "Lockwoods motorcycle." I murmured. "What was that?" He asked, even though we both knew he heard me. "I took Lockwoods motorcycle to Enzo's." I said louder. Stefan froze. "Enz..- what the hell Leigh?! What's gotten into you? Ever since you and Damon came back to mystic falls and you started hanging out with Tyler Lockwood you've been acting like a completely different person." Stefan shouted. My eyes narrowed at that. "You may be the older brother St. Stefan but theres no version of this relationship where you EVER get to talk to me like that. I havent changed your just so damn straitlaced with a damn stick up your ass that you dont see anything the way it is unless it's the way you want it!" I shouted back. Stefan stepped closer to me. "What did you just say to me?!" He asked, his voice hard. "You heard me.. or did douplewrench Gilbert screw with you in more ways then one?" I snapped. At first I couldnt tell if the last thing I said got to him or not but suddenly his hand flew up and before I knew it the sound of his hand making contact with my cheek echoed throughout the room. I reached for my cheek in shock and looked up at my brother, who was now staring wide eyed at his hand as if it had betrayed him. "Hey what's with all the shouti..-" Damon started to ask as he walked down the stairs, his voice fading out as he saw the scene in front of him. It was in that moment the shock finally faded away and I burst into tears. I was never one to cry, and Damon knew that, so when he saw me crying he knew something was up. Damon vamp sped over to me and pulled me into his chest. "Woah there kitten." He said, stroking my hair as my tears soaked his shirt. As I cried Damon shot Stefan a 'wtf happened?' Look but stefan just stood there, unable to accept or understand what he had done. "I..-" stefan tried to speak but he couldnt find the words. Damon looked at Stefan as he looked at his hand then, as if something clicked he pulled me away from his chest and searched my tear filled eyes before his eyes landed on my extremely red cheek. Damon kissed my forehead then turned to Stefan, his now dark eyes narrowed."little brother.." Damon said, Finally getting Stefan to look up at him. "Run."as soon as the words left Damon's lips Stefan was out of the living room and up the stairs, with Damon right behind him. "Damon calm down and give me a second to explai..-" Stefan was cut off. "YOU HIT HER STEFAN, YOU CAN TAKE YOUR EXPLANATION AND SHOVE IT UP YOUR.." my sobs grew louder as I fell to the floor and hugged my knees to my chest.
It took three hours of them running and yelling before they finally grew tired and came back to the living room. "Leigh im so sorry." I flinched away from stefans hand. "You know its gonna take more then that to get her to forgive you and actually feel safe around you Stefan." Damon said. Stefan looked at him confused. "You forgot.. didnt you?" He asked Stefan. Stefans look of confusion never left. "... good ol' Guiseppe Salvatore hell of a man, but a shit hole of a father that Never knew how to treat a lady." Damon stated. A look of realization flashed in Stefans eyes after what Damon said. "He used to beat her more then he ever beat either of us." Stefan said, his voice slightly detached as if he was reliving the memories. Damon nodded. Stefan looked at me with sad eyes. "And I.. i just..-" i cut him off. "Pulled a page right out of dads book? Yeah, you did." I said as I stood up. "Leigh..-" Stefan began. "I'm going to bed, night Damon." I stated before vamp speeding up the stairs.

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