Chapter 26

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It was Tyler.

I stood there for a while, until the shock and confusion present in my eyes turned into anger. Silently, I walked towards Klaus and tapped on his shoulder. Using his speed, Klaus picked up a sharp branch, and shoved it halfway into Tyler's stomach. Ty fell to the ground holding back a scream, reached for the branch embedded in his stomach, and started to pull it out. Klaus grinned at his pained sounds. I cringed but quickly re composed myself as he turned to face me. Klaus looked down at me, the glimmer of violence no longer there. The way he stood there acting like nothing bad had happened made me angrier. "Sorry about that L...-" before Klaus could finish... I punched him. "What the hell?!?!" He growled, getting back up wile rubbing his jaw. Ignoring him, I walked over to the tree intending to help Tyler. But before I got closer to him, the branch was gone and he was standing. I smiled, relieved but it quickly vanished when he looked up, his yellow eyes glaring at me. I took a few steps backwards hopping he would ignore me.
no such luck.
Suddenly Tyler's face started to change and with a low growl He move towards me.... Fast.
Scared, I turned and started to run.
And then I fell.

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