Chapter 15

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When we pulled into the parking lot of The Grill Tara and I were nearing the end of a laugh-attack, and at that point we had completely forgotten why we had been laughing in the first place. "Now i see why you love that car so much, it's so...... So MAJESTIC." Tara said as we made our way to the door of The Grill. "If you think that car's amazing then you would have loved Damon's part time car. It was black and super fast and just wow. ahh... The memories." I stated with a smile. "Part time car?" Tara asked. I was about to tell her about the "little" accident Damon's 'baby' had been in when something caught my attention. A wide smile spread across my face. "Hey! Blondie, my heroic home boy!" I said. Matt looked up from the cup he was filling and smiled. "Hey Leigh, what's up?" He questioned. I stood there stroking my invisible beard, and then acted like I had remembered the answer to his question. "Well first I dented a piece of school property with my head, then he who pushes innocent girls into lockers invited me to come here and hang out with you guys, and being intrigued by this miraculous change of events, she who had been that innocent girl accepted the invitation. OH! and My friend Tara over here helped me torment Damon. how bout you?" I replied. "well I helped an innocent girl who had been pushed into a locker, then I spread the word about coming here to hang out, I left school and went to work. OH! and I also high-five'd two girls after delivering one last cup of alcohol and ending my shift." he answered. Matt Then handed the glass of beer to someone, took off the jacket that had his name tag on it and hung it up. after he walked out from behind the bar counter he high-five'd us. "And that is my way of saying, 'hell yeah! it's about damn time someone tormented that pain in the ass.' oh and nice to meet you Tara." Matt stated. Tara looked at me, then at him, then back at me and burst out laughing. pretty soon Matt and I began laughing too. when we had recovered from our laughing fit Matt led us to the back of the Grill where Caroline, Elena, Jeremy, Bonnie, and Tyler were playing pool, eating and talking. When Matt made our presence known we all greeted each other. After we all went back to doing what ever we had Been doing before, I looked around at the group of people and noticed that Alaric was there. as I looked closer I saw that he was talking to some one... a woman that I had never seen before. "whats Ric doing here and whose he talking to?" I asked Matt. "he always hangs out with us, he's actually a friend of Damon's. Oh and that person he's talking to, that's J....-" Matt was about to say her name when Tara spoke. "Jo." she whispered. I looked at my friend and spoke. "you know her?" I asked, confused. Tara opened her mouth to speak but no words came out. And then Stefan showed up looking beyond angry, but when he saw Tara all traces of anger left his face and were replaced by concern. "Leigh what happened? She looks like she's seen a ghost." Stefan exclaimed. "I don't know but I'd say she IS the ghost. she's never been this pale before." I told him. Tara's eyes went wide, then rolled back into her head and she fainted. We all stood there like we were paralyzed, not knowing what to do but at the last minute, before she hit the ground.... Stefan caught her.

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