Chapter 38

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"Are you sure she said mom?" Stefan asked the next day after I told him what had happened with Leigh the night before. I looked over at him annoyed. "Is it possible you miss understood what she said? I mean, maybe she said... uh.. Matt." He exclaimed. I raised a brow at that. "Okay first Matt's a guy, she said she not he and second, Matt? Really? Of all the names you couldve picked that start with the letter 'm' you picked Matt?" I responded. Stefan shrugged. "I blanked." He said. "...but mom? Shes dead.. are you positive she said mo..-" I cut him off. "Jesus chri..- YES STEFAN SHE SAID MOM!" I snapped. Stefan nodded to show he understood. "No need to shout though, we're trying not to wake leigh remembe..-" Stefans voice trailed off when he saw me look towards the kitchen entrance. "What?" He asked. I took a sip of the drink I always had in the morning that just happened to be more bourbon then coffee on this particular morning, but didnt answer his question. "Hands off my bourbon." I said slightly louder then necessary. Stefan looked at me confused until we heard a small groan come from the other room. I smirked. "Your a bad influence on her Damon." He told me. I just shrugged. But My victory was short lived and my smirk quickly disappeared when I heard the sound of glass breaking. Stefan looked at me with fake sympathy but I could tell he found my pain amusing. "Oh hell no.." I said, getting up and vamp speeding into the living room. "WHAT THE HELL?!" I shouted when I saw Leigh hurl two more bottles of bourbon at the wall. "SCREW THAT DAMN GOOD FOR NOTHING..-" she paused and threw another bottle but I vamped and caught it before it hit the wall. I put the bottle back in the cabinet and stood in front of it blocking her from grabbing anymore. "Leigh what's going o..-" stefan started to ask but stopped when Leigh glared at him. "Dont even try Stefan!" She snapped before trying to reach around me for another bottle. I grabbed her hand lightly. "O-kay how about we not take whatever this is out on Damon's alcohol." I said, dragging her towards the couch and away from my babies. "What's wrong kitten?" I asked softly once we were sitting on the couch. Leigh shoved her phone in my hands. "Wha..-" I stopped when I saw what was on the screen. My eyes narrowed. "You slept with Lockwolf?!" I asked, my voice hard. Leigh threw her hands in the air and groaned. "I MOST DEFINITELY DID NOT!" she screeched. "Wait what?" Stefan asked. Suddenly his phone chimed. He took it out and when he looked at the screen his eyes widened. "Why the hell is Tyler sending pictures of you and him kissing  and one of him half naked to the whole football team?" Stefan asked. Leigh whipped her head around to look at Stefan then dropped her head in her hands. "Leigh if you didnt sleep with him why is he sending these and saying you did?" I asked. "And how did he fake a picture of you two kissing?" Stefan added. She lifted her head but didn't make eye contact with either of us. "I dont know how he got a picture but Its not fake... he kinda sorta kissed me at school yesterday.." She said. Stefans eyes widened while mine narrowed. "That's why you left school... isnt it?" Stefan asked her. Leigh nodded. "I slapped him after it happened, this is probably him getting back at me." She said. I laughed at that. "That's my girl." I  said. Leigh smiled at me. "I try." She said with a hair flip causing me to laugh again. Suddenly Leigh's smile fell. "Wait.. Stefan let me see the second picture." She said. This time Stefan narrowed his eyes. "Absolutely not."  Leigh rolled her eyes. "Just give me the damn phone." She told him. Stefan handed her his phone and she looked at the image carefully. "Tyler didnt take either of these pictures." She said. Stefan and I looked at her confused. "How do you know?" I asked. "Well for the first picture I know he most definitely did not have a camera in his hands when he kissed me." She responded. I looked at my sister and saw her cheeks turning red.  "Leigh..." I began. I could hear her heart beat speed up a little bit meaning she was nervous. She looked at me. "Yes Damon?" Her voice was shakey. "How exactly do you know he didnt have a camera in his hands?" I questioned. "Because... um.. I just know, can we change the subject now?" she asked nervously. "Leigh we both know that you know being on human blood means my senses are 100% turned up, which means we both also know I heard your heart skip a beat before it started racing the second I asked that question." I informed her. "Damon..." Stefan started to cut in but I ignored him. "What are you not telling me kitten?" I asked. Leigh was silent for a moment as she looked down at her fidgeting hands. "I know because his hands were.... busy.." she stuttered. "Wondering hands end in a dead man." I said, getting up off the couch and heading towards the door. "No Damon." She said, her voice hard. I turned and looked at her shocked. "Your not gonna lay a hand on him." She stated. I smirked. "Watch me." I said before turning towards the door. Suddenly she was in front of me. At this point I could feel myself getting angry and I knew that I wouldn't get a true answer to the next thing I was about to ask but I asked anyway. "You got a thing for lockwood or somethin?" I listened carefully to her heart after I asked and just like I thought it would... it skipped a few beats.  "..As if." She answered. I shot her a fake smile knowing she was lying through her teeth. "Good, then move." She didnt budge. "Why?" I rolled my eyes and tapped my foot. "So I can go sell girl scout cookies... Imma go torture Lockwolf.. maybe kill, havent really decided yet.. hey Stef wanna join?" I said. Stefan shook his head. "I wanna talk to leigh about the second picture." He said. I shrugged. "Suit yourself." I said, then turned to my sister. "I'm going out the back." I said, causing her to look at me confused. I smirked then vamp sped up to my room and left the house. "Damn it, the window!" I heard Leigh say as I headed towards the Lockwood mansion. I chuckled lightly but stopped when I saw the white mansion coming into view. I looked at my reflection in the window when i was in front of the door and noticed my eyes were black instead of blue. They always got like that when I was angry, even as a human. I stood there and listened closely to the sounds In the house and zeroed in on the only voice in the building I cared about. I put my hand on the doorknob and twisted until I heard the lock break, then smirked and opened the door. I walked in and followed the voice to a room upstairs. I Leaned against the doorframe and looked at the two people in bed with a bored look on my face. "Hey, blonde witchy witch get out." I said causing them both to look at me. I ignored Lockwood for the time being and looked directly at the girl that, now that I could see her face I recognized as Liv Parker. She flinched when she saw the veins under my eyes and even though she tried to look tough, as she got up, grabbed her clothes and left the room I could tell she was terrified. When I heard her car start and drive away I turned my full attention to Lockwood and shot him a fake smile. "Hey fido." I said. Tyler glared at me as he zipped his pants and put on a shirt. "What do u want Damon?" He asked, clearly annoyed. I dropped the fake smile and looked him dead in the eyes. "A little birdy told me you were messing with my baby sister but that cant be true if you were in bed with witchy witch Parker now could it?" I stated. "Nice try Damon, you dont even have a sister." Tyler said with an eye roll. He turned his back to me. "Now get out." My eyes narrowed. "So the name Marleigh doesnt ring a bell?" I questioned. Tyler froze. "Ah, I see it does, so let me ask you wolf boy,"I paused and plopped down on the edge of his bed. "How many different family's do you know with the last name Salvatore?" I finished. "One..." he replied. I put my hands behind my head and laid down. "Ah good okay so when you met the new girl, & heard the name Marliegh Salvator who's sister do you think you were making out with?" I quizzed him. Tyler turned to face me and I could see the fear he was obviously trying g to hide in his eyes. "Stefan's.." was his answer. I imitated the sound of a buzzer so he knew he gave the wrong answer. "Wrong, try again, get it right and maybe i wont kill you." I said. I could hear his heart racing and not gonna lie, it brought me joy. "Yours?" He said but It sounded more like a question. I sat up and grinned as veins appeared under my now pitch black eyes. "Bingo." I said as I stood up, vamped over to him and pinned him against the wall by his neck. "Wait wait wait! You said you wouldnt kill me!" Tyler stuttered frantically. I hissed showing my fangs. "I said maybe." Then bit into his neck hard causing him to scream. I was in the middle of feeding and his struggling was getting weaker when suddenly I was yanked off and thrown into the other wall. I sat up and groaned then stared at the sight in front of me, the annoyance in my eyes clear as day. "You interrupted my snack." I growled aggravated. "Aw was I supposed to care?" She asked. I glared at her. "Get out Tyler." She said. Tyler didnt move. "Um no I live her..-" she glared at him hard. "Aaand now im leaving.." he said, getting up and heading towards the door. I got up and stood in his way. "No your not." I said, my voice hard. "Damon let him go.. NOW!" she growled. I looked at him and saw him smirk. "I'm not letting you hurt my sister." I then turned to look at her. "He was in bed with Liv Parker Leigh." I said. Her poker face remained but I could see in her eyes that it hurt her. "Okay and?" She said. I sighed. "You can fool a lot of people Kitten I'll give you that, but you cant fool me." She looked at me and opened her mouth to speak but I cut her off. "I sure as hell dont know why but I know you lied to me when I asked you if you had a thing for him. & you may act like what I said doesnt bother you but I can see the pain in your eyes." I told her. "Shut up.." leigh said. "Your my family, we look out for eachother and I'm not going to let you get hurt by trash like Tyler lockwood." I continued. "I SAID STOP!" Leigh screamed. I stumbled back in shock and Tyler turned around to look at her. "Uh, Do her eyes normally do that?" He asked. Confused I looked over at her and saw what he meant; Leigh's eyes had turned a dark purple. "No, they dont." I whispered. I headed towards her. "Get. Away. From. ME!" She hissed. I stopped and backed away. Leigh fell to her knees then, & I could hear that her breathing was heavy and uneven. Tyler walked past me and knelt next to her. He then carefully went to wrap one arm around her but she flinched away from him and started crying. "Shh Lee Lee, its okay.." he said, trying to soothe her. Then to my surprise, with one arm wrapped around her he started whisper singing a song in her ear while running his free hand through her hair. Leigh's breathing was slowly going back to normal and the tears where slowing down. She looked up at Tyler surprised. "That song.. that was 'Everything I need' from the Aquaman soundtrack. But how did you know...-" She started to say. "That it was your favorite song? I kinda talked to your friend Tara." He told her with a smile. She smiled back but it instantly fell when she saw that I was still there. She quickly wiggled out of Tyler's arms and stood up. Tyler stood and looked at her confused but then followed her gaze over to me and nodded, understanding. Leigh avoided looking at Tyler when she spoke. "Damon?" She asked. I looked at her. "Yeah?" I questioned slightly confused. She walked over to me. "I wanna go home." Was all she said. "Okay, let's go." I said, slinging my arm over her shoulders. "Leigh wait! About Liv..-" Leigh cut him off. "I get it," she said. "Leigh..-" she cut him off again and gave him a small smile. "I Hope you guys are happy.. you deserve eachother." She said before turning and walking out of the room. Tyler started after her & I had half the mind to stop him but after the week I knew leigh had had, I decided it was best I didnt.

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