Chapter 14

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Damon and I looked towards the hall that led to the front door. "Helloooo! any one here?! If so please speak now or I'll hold you forever responsible when I'm arrested for B & E!" Someone shouted. "Hold on! I'll be right there!" I called back. "Who the hell is that and why are they in MY house?!" Damon hissed questionably. "A friend I made in the months I spent as a lonely hostage in the Salvatore boring house." I answered. "Oh oka....-Wait! you left the house!?" he growled. "Well duuuuh! When you're a teenage hostage you tend to develop a lust for fresh air, plus I got thirsty and decided against draining all of your bottles of bourbon so I went to the grill." I replied. Before Damon could say anything in response, I rushed towards the front door to great my friend. "Leigh!" She screeched, throwing her arms around me in one of her famous bear hugs. After the hug ended, we both starred at each other with serious expressions on our faces and then broke out laughing. "It's good to see you Tara." I said with a smile. "Yeah, same to you. it feels like it's been forever when in reality it's only been like thirty-five minutes." Tara said with a laugh. "It really does." I chuckled. "Hey Leigh! did your friend leave yet, or do i need to get rid of her?" Damon asked as he walked into the front hall. I glared at him. "Who's he?" Tara asked. Suddenly Damon was In front of her, standing WAY too close for my liking. "I'm the older, hotter, more fun and badass Salvatore sibling. Some say I'm dangerous, and unpredictable, truth is I'm all of those things and more,-" Damon paused and smirked. "Hi, I'm Damon Salvatore." he finished. Tara looked from Damon to me and raised a brow. "is this guy for real?" she asked, sounding amused. "To be honest, I've been asking my self that for the longest time hoping he was just a figment of my imagination. I eventually came to a conclusion though." I stated. "and that is...?" She questioned. I smiled. "He's a badass prick that's desperate AF, but he's real." I told her. Tara and I began to laugh uncontrollably as Damon scowled at us. "Oh! I almost forgot! Tara I'm going to the grill to hang out with a few friends from school, wanna come?" I asked her when we had finished laughing. Tara nodded. "sure." she said. "ok, just lemme go grab a brush and then we can go." I said before I vamp-sped up to my room and came back with a brush. Damon glared at me, shock and anger burning in his blue eyes. "what? I have helmet head! Plus hair this MAJESTICAL deserves to be flaunted." I said, trying to sound Innocent. "What the hell? when were you wearing a helm....- focus! this isn't about your damn hair! Did you forget that your NORMAL friend is here?!" he hissed. "Ok first of all; my hair is magical and deserves more respect then that! and no, I didn't forget about Tara's presence. Oh and she's FAR from normal." I said to him. Damon looked at me confused. "Come again?" he said. "Tara's Aunt was a witch and three out of 4 of her kids took after her so because of her connection she knows about the supernatural... including vampires." I explained. Damon looked from me to Tara, then at me and then finally back at Tara. she nodded. "it's true." She confirmed. "And your NOT afraid?" He asked. she shook her head. "Nope. I know Leigh won't hurt me and she'd kick your ass if you hurt me. plus I made it a point to learn about magic and how to use it to help people, so I could easily take you down if you try anything." Tara answered. Damon stood there dumbfounded And I laughed. "ok, well we're gonna head to the grill now. Sooo..... Later Damon." I said as I ran the brush threw my hair one last time, and tossed it on the table. And then Tara and I walked out. "Your car or mine?" Tara asked. I grinned. "Damon's actually." I replied. "But we don't have the...-" I held up the keys to the sleek blue car that Damon referred to as his 'baby'. "Keys? how'd you get those?" Tara asked, confused. i looked at her with a Cheshire Cat grin on my face and a mischievous glint in my sparkling eyes, as we got into the car and buckled up. "Sweetie, haven't you been listening? I love cars... especially Damon's, that's why I'm a pro at car jacking him." I said before I gunned the engine and started to drive. When Damon raced outside I put the roof of the convertible down and waved causing his jaw to drop. "that explains a lot." I heard him say to himself. "See ya Damon!" Tara shouted to him with a wide grin. I let out a laugh when I heard him mumble a couple of curse words under his breath. "have fun at home dickwad!" I shouted before flipping him the bird. I stepped on the gas petal a little harder making us go faster, and before we knew it the boarding house was out of sight, along with my pissed older brother. "he's gonna give me hell for this later." I tolled Tara. We both looked at each other with wild smiles and then laughed.
'This is gonna be a VERY enjoyable year.' I told my self with a smile.

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