Chapter 21

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After Stefan finished explaining how Alaric had come to be a vampire,- with A LOT of comments and interjections from Damon,- I stared wide eyed at my brothers. "Well shit." I let out after a wile, earning a warning look from Stefan. "No swearing little Aleigh cat!" Damon said, using the rebel-ish sounding nickname he had original given me in our pre-vamp life. (A/N it's kinda like 'alley cat' but with Leigh's name in it.) I rolled my eyes. "I'm serious! don't swear, it's not very attractive." Damon stated. I opened my mouth, ready to say something but the words didn't get the chance to be said before someone else spoke. "Actually... I think it's kinda hot." said a familiar voice. 'a VERY familiar voice.' I mentally corrected myself. When every one turned towards the voice I followed their actions, but before I could see who it was, Stefan and Damon were in front of me with their fangs bared. 'these are the moments when I REALLY hate being the shortest salvatore.' I thought as I stood on my tip toes trying to see past them. "Watch it!" Stefan snarled at the person. "what? it's not my fault you have a sexy sister." the familiar voice exclaimed. After that statement, even though I couldn't see who the voice belonged to... i blushed. "Blondie control your hormonal mutt before I rip his hands off and shove them down his throat!" Damon hissed. Caroline glared at Damon before crossing her arms and speaking. "No can do Salvatore... Tyler and I are no longer dating." She told him. "can you idiots move your arse'?!" I asked. "no!" My brothers said in unison. "but some of us can't see what's going on!" I stated, slightly whining. They ignored me. "really blondie!?!" Damon shouted, going back to what Caroline had told him. "yes really." she said with an eye roll. "you'd think by now he'd call me by my name." She mumbled, annoyed. "Exactly.. we're no longer dating, which means I can do what ever I want with who ever I want. and that's according to...well..... me." the boy said. "That's it!" Damon snarled before speeding towards the boy. And then it hit me; Caroline had said something important when she responded to Damon.

Caroline had said a name.


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