Chapter 9

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Stunned, I stood there starring at him. "I-I-I uh..." I began, unable to form coherent words. As if he realized what he had said, Tyler's smirk vanished. "What I meant" he started, his words tripping over each other as they rushed out of his mouth. Tyler looked down, raised his hand and scratched the back of his head nervously. blood rushed to my cheeks, heating them. "Wanna hang out sometime... you know, as, uh... as friends?" he asked. "oh so we're friends now?" I questioned with a raised brow. "well... um.. if you want to be... do you?" he stuttered. unable to hold it back, I smiled. "sure." I replied. Tyler looked up at me and smiled... a genuinely nice and real smile. when I saw his smile my heart melted, throbbing inside my chest. "What class are you going to next?" Tyler asked me. "history... with... mr. Saltzman." I answered. "Same. By the way... he prefers to be called Alaric." He said with another smile. The heat in my cheeks grew hotter. 'whats happening at uto me?' I wondered as Tyler and I walked to class. When we walked into the room I knew right away that Stefan was looking at us. 'Uh oh.' I thought.

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