Chapter 23

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The darkness slowly faded as I started to wake up but my eyes refused to open. i was weak but I could still hear and feel everything, and judging by how cold the surface was... I knew I was on a metal table. Using a little bit of what was left of my strength, I forced my eyes open and groaned when they were met with super bright lights. I struggled against the metal cuffs that were keeping me from escaping but quickly stopped when I heard a door being opened then closed. "Oh good... your awake. now tell me..." a male voice began, as it grew closer to me. "WHAT exactly are" as the man spoke I shivered. it was as if the room temperature dropped but then I realized what it was; I was no longer wearing a shirt so the only thing covering my chest was my bra. "what did you do to me?!" I asked, slightly scared of what the answer would be. "Shut up! I ask the questions and you answer them! That's how this works... got it?!" The man growled. "I have the right to know if you did do anything..-" he cut me off. "oh relax! I didn't touch you." He told me. I was about to say something when I heard a crashing sound coming from outside of the room. "What the hell...?" The man said as he turned towards the door. "don't move." he said before continuing to walk away. i looked down at my ankles cuffed to the table. "Ok i'll try not to." I said with an eye roll. after the guy left there were a lot more crashing sounds followed by a few grunts and groans. after a wile there was a scream but it was cut off my a snapping sound. scared now, I struggled against the cuffs, trying harder then before to get free. "need a hand Luv?" Asked a male voice with a British accent. After a brief hesitation, I nodded. and just like that... The cuffs were gone. "T-T-thank you." I stuttered after getting off the table. "no problem." the British guy said. I shivered again then wrapped my arms tightly around my self. "you ok Luv?" He asked. I shook my head. "n-n-not really." I answered. "Here." The guy said. Then, to my surprise he took off his shirt and handed it to me. Since I was super cold I took the shirt and put it on with out hesitation. "thank you mr....?" I said, hopping to get a name. "Klaus... my names Klaus." he said with a smile.

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