Chapter 12

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As we sped down the roads, different buildings blurred past us as if they were the ones moving. Then, without warning, The motorcycle jerked foreword, picking up speed. Startled by the sudden change of speed, I jumped slightly, my arms quickly wrapping tightly around Tyler's torso. We turned corner after corner, zoomed down road after road and as we did this I got used to how warm and safe holding onto Tyler made me feel. 'Stop! Don't you dare start having feelings for him! They would forbid it! he's dangerous..... he's a Lockwood.' A voice in my head warned. 'Like Romeo and Juliet! only, I doubt he feels any thing for me.' I thought. I sighed at the thought, then, in an attempt to clear my mind, I shook my head. "You gonna let go or.....?" Tyler asked, his voice pulling me out of my thoughts. "huh? oh.... Yeah.... Uh.... sorry, I didn't realize we were here." I stuttered, quickly unwrapping my arms from around him. I swung my leg around the seat so I was standing and reached up to take the helmet off. As I tried to unbuckle the helmet my fingers decided to stop cooperating, making it nearly impossible to undo the buckle. "here, let me help." Tyler said as he got off of the motorcycle, and took off his helmet. "no It's oka...-" I started to object but he was already tacking the helmet off my head. "Thanks." I said. "no prob." He responded with a smile. "oh! I just remembered... what exactly were you thinking about when we pulled up?" he asked me. "Um.... N-N-Nothing! It was nothing.... I'll, uh, see you at at the grill. Oh, and thanks for giving me a ride home." I said, feeling the heat start to rise to my cheeks again. I turned around, walked up to the front door, shouted one last thank you to Tyler then went in side. after closing the door I leaned my back against it, closed my eyes and let out a loud sigh. "what was that all about?" Someone asked. my eyes snapped open. 'Shit!' I thought.

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