Chapter 1

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"WAKE UP!! WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE!!" The second oldest; Stefan Salvatore yelled wile banging on my bed room door. "Ugggggg!" I groaned, rolling over in my bed. When I heard the sound of a pair if feet thumping loudly on the wood floor of the Salvatore boarding house an unsettling feeling began to form in the pit of my stomach but because I was barely awake I ignored it.
Then The door to my room flew open,hitting the wall with a loud,'BANG' and making me instantly regret not getting up when I should have. "Hey Leigh?" At the sound of Damon, the oldest Salvatore's voice, my eyes opened a little bit. "What do you want Da....-" my sentence was cut off when I felt a bucket of ice cold water being dumped all over me, soaking me and my bed. Suddenly there was a teeth chattering gust off wind from the window Damon had just opened. i shot up out off my bed and glared at my brother. "Oh you are SO dead Salvatore!" I growled before grabbing a baseball bat and high heel shoe from the floor. Damon smirked at me but raced out of my room causing me to run after him wile throwing multiple things at him. When I rounded the corner Damon had gone around he was no where to be found. I growled a curse under my breath as I looked around for any syne of him. I was just about to give up and go get changed for school, since Stefan and I were already late, when I felt a pair of muscular arms wrap around my waist. I screamed as I was thrown over the persons shoulder. "You inconsiderate, annoying, evil, uncaring, self-centered DICK! PUT ME DOWN!!" I screamed while pounding on my brothers back. "I would but.... where's the fun in that?" Damon said cockily. "Fun? the only fun thing that even has a chance of happening is me kicking u in the face so you'll stop smirking so damn much." I informed him. Damon chuckled and then dropped me on my bed. "Get dressed so Stefan can drive your ass to school while I go to the grill to relax, have a 'few' drinks and laugh at the fact that you guys actually chose to attend high school." he said. My face vamped out as i glared at him and hissed. damon chuckled. "that doesn't scare me LITTLE Leigh." he said with yet another smirk. "Don't you have some innocent girls to go compel?!" I snapped. Damon smirked again. "why? is LITTLE Leigh annoyed?" he asked. "Damon?" I questioned. "what?" he asked. "Get out of my room before I take that chair leg, shove it threw your stomach and twist." I said with fake sweetness. Damon looked at me with a raised brow. "okay then." he said as he turned on his heels and left.

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