Chapter 42

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"i still cant get over how petrified Kol looked when you threatened him Leigh it was bloody fantasti..-" Rebekah paused mid laugh and turned to see me stopped dead in my tracks an okay distance away from the Mikaelson Mansion. "You okay??" I didn't answer her as my eyes remained focused on the door. I hadn't really gotten the chance to look at it the night i met Klaus but now that i was, Something about it felt almost familiar. "Marlei..-" My eyes tore away from the house and fixed on her fast as hell at that. "Leigh." I corrected, my voice hard as stone. Bekah looked at me a bit taken back by the tone of my voice. "My apologies i just thought that since Nik called you Marleigh that it was your name." She explained. Instinctively my fists clenched at the sound of the name i had hated since i was old enough to focus on the voices long enough to hear it. Rebekah gasped causing my eyebrows to scrunch together in confusion. "Its you.." i heard her whisper. I opened my mouth to speak but before i could she ran a hand through her hair and let her poker face settle as if whatever just happened hadn't. While i stood there confused Rebekah opened the door and stepped into her family's home then stopped and waited for me to come in. After closing the door behind me i turned, intending to question her about what had happened on the porch but she was already walking into a different room. "Um... well ok then." I muttered feeling extremely awkward and uncomfortable. "Freya your back!" I heard Rebekah squeal happily right before whoever this Freya person is laughed lightly in response. Not really interested in their conversation i tuned it out and began walking around, exploring the different rooms. "Of course they have a library." I mumbled in amusement, slightly rolling my eyes. I was browsing the shelves in awe,- what? Im a bookworm leave me alone,- when i heard the floor boards creak. While on high alert I quickly turned around and the second i did i was being pinned against the bookcase by a tall dark haired vampire who had his hand tightly wrapped around my throat. "Who the hell are you?!" He hissed, tightening his grip. When i didn't respond with anything other then a choked gasp his grip tightened even more. "ANSWER ME OR I'LL RIP YOUR HEART OUT!!" He growled. I reached up, clutching at the hand he had wrapped around my neck in an attempt to loosen his grip, apparently only succeeding in pissing him off more. With an animalistic snarl the male vampire drew his arm back before going to plunge his hand into my chest, but before he could he was roughly pulled away from me and thrown into the wall. "Control yourself brother." Looking up from where i had collapsed on the floor, I saw who the authoritative and slightly bored tone had come from; it was the vampire suit guy from before. When i scanned the room I realized his sentence was not only directed at the man that had attacked me, but also at the one that had thrown him into the wall; Klaus. "Niklaus..." Elijah's voice held a warning in it causing Klaus to let out a low irritated growl before releasing his hold on his brother Finn. "Thank you, now care to tell me why you were trying to kill the young girl Finn??" Elijah inquired. "Leigh." I corrected, finally finding my voice again. The three brothers turned to look at me when i spoke and instinctively, i stiffened. "Yes, my apologies. ... why were you trying to kill Leigh, a guest in our home?" Elijah asked, rephrasing his original question. Instead of answering Finn just shrugged, a bored and slightly annoyed expression on his face before heading out of the library, pushing past Rebekah, Kol and the person i think is Freya, who had just showed up. "Here let me help you.." The girl i assumed was Freya said after walking over and holding out her hand. After a moment of staring at her outstretched hand i took it, accepting her help. When i was back on my feet i met her eyes and smiled awkwardly. "Thanks..." i said. She quickly smiled back at me but not before I noticed the same strange look in her eyes that i had seen in both Rebekah and Klaus. "Freya... my names Freya." She stated, properly introducing herself after dropping my hand. I gave her a small nod before turning to her brother. "And thank you too Elijah." He smiled sincerely in response but when i met his eyes the smile faltered a bit. 'Ok what is with this family?' I thought to myself. "Ms. Salvatore can you please give us a minute? we need to have a quick family chat." Elijah said. I nodded. "Sure." I replied before leaving the room, taking note of the fact that the door was immediately closed, locked and apparently privacy spelled behind me. "Guess Freya's a witch then." I quietly observed before going to lay on the couch.

I must have dozed off for a while because the next thing I knew i was being woken up by Freya. "Okay she's awake." She announced when my eyes fluttered open. "What the hell?" I groaned sleepily as i forced myself to sit up. I looked around to see all of the siblings sitting and staring at me causing me to shift uncomfortably under their gazes. "Marleigh..-" i rolled my eyes. "Leigh." I corrected him. Klaus paused for a very long moment before letting out a frustrated sigh and continuing. "Leigh, my siblings have informed me that before we can decide weather or not we can you, you need to be interrogated." He explained in that accent I honestly think i will never get tired of hearing. Out of the corner of my i saw Finn roll his eyes and scuffed at his brothers choice of words. "You know Finn, you weren't even apart of the family meeting so feel free to piss off and get the hell out of here." Kol hissed, smirking in satisfaction when he saw the veins under Finns eyes. "I swear the two of you are the most childish and bloody irritating men in existence." Rebekah stated with an eye roll. Kol laughed, clearly amused by his sister's annoyance while Finn turned to me with a glint in his eyes that I really did not like. "Allow me to go first..." he began, standing and walking towards where i was sitting. Before he continued Finn knelt in from of me, a lot too close for comfort. "Who sired you little bat?" Im sure the question would've been harmless coming from anyone else but something about the way HE asked it made my stomach churn. "My uh...-" I opened my mouth to answer but suddenly stopped. "I...-" my eyebrows scrunched together in confusion when I realized it was like i was hitting some kind of invisible mental wall as i tried to think of the answer to his question. "Leigh??" i heard Klaus say it but i was lost. "Is she ok??" That time it was Freya. "Finn what the bloody hell did you do to her?!" Definitely Rebekah. "Marleigh are you alright?" Elijah asked, the concerned tone in his voice pulling me out of whatever trance i was in. "Huh? Oh, yeah no I'm fine." I mumbled, the confusion causing me to stumble over my words a bit. They were all looking at me, concern written clearly all over there faces. Only when my gaze landed on the last one of the siblings i saw something different; understanding, worry & for some reason a dark shadow of Rage. And i saw it all swirling in his eyes. In KOL'S eyes. 'Wait why would he be..-' my thought was cut off by Finn's question being repeated. "So who is it? Who's your sire?? Who made you and for what??" Finn was piling on question after question so fast it made my head hurt but finally I managed to get a full sentence out. "I don't know." I answered. Finn's brows scrunched together in confusion at my words. "Elijah." He said, standing up, walking over to his brother and tapping his shoulders as if to say 'your turn'.
It wasn't until after Finn was out of sight that i finally noticed the change, but it was Rebekah who pointed it out.

"Wait... Wheres Kol??"

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2022 ⏰

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