Chapter 17

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When Elena lunged at Tara every one acted fast; Tyler, Matt and Jeremy grabbed her, wile Stefan lifted Tara off of the table, gently pushed her behind him and took a protective stance in front of her with me and Caroline on both sides. "You thief! You boy stealing bitch!" Elena hissed. When I heard What she had said Something in me snapped, and, wanting to stand up for my best friend I didn't keep my feelings to my self. "Woah there Bitch-zilla! If you think you have room to talk shit about my best friend or any one els then boy do you need a reality check! I mean look at you! pay attention to the way your acting! you literally just sped past denial, through the crazy ass ex zone, around the land of KATHERINE IN TRAINING and landed smack in the middle of planet BITCHY EX! The key word being EX, so what boy,- may I ask,- is she stealing from you? Please explain cuz I'm sure we'd all LOVE to know!" I snapped. Elena glared at me. "I'm nothing like that manipulative bitch!" she hissed. "Oh really? So dating Stefan, Then breaking his heart to be with Damon isn't at all like what Katherine did?" I asked. Elena didn't respond. "exactly." I said. Elena looked down at the ground and for a second I thought she would give up, but when she looked back up there was a flame of anger and hatred in her eyes That made me realize she would never give up. "You think I'm like Katherine, fine, then I'll be EXACTLY like Katherine." Elena growled. Then she tugged on her arms as hard as she could, and just like that.... her arms were free. the boys tried to grab her again but tripped over one another sending them tumbling to the ground. Elena lunged at Tara again but I grabbed her arm and pulled her back, losing my balance in the process. Then I fell, pulling Elena down with me as she Furiously clawed at me. suddenly I felt a stinging pain that led from my temple down to the middle of my cheek. I hissed from the pain but refused to fight back, taking every hit Elena threw. Every time I felt her nails dig into my skin I blocked out the urge I had to fight back, even when I felt her fangs pierce the skin on my neck. When i felt her fangs digging into my neck I bit my tongue to keep from screaming. Blood from my tongue started to fill my mouth as my eye sight went blurry and I saw red everywhere. That's when Elena was yanked off of me and I felt the pain spread from my neck to the rest of my body. "Matt take Jeremy home. Alaric, you and Jo take Tara to the boarding house wile Damon and I figure out what to do about Elena." I heard Stefan say. "What about Leigh?" Matt asked. "I can take her home." Tyler offered. "Not gonna happen!" Stefan hissed. "I wasn't asking. she's soaked in blood so I'm not leaving her with you, besides I'm the only one strong enough to carry her since you guys are busy." He said. And then I was being lifted off of the ground. As Tyler carried me to his car, my eye sight went from red to grey to black. When he laid me down in the back seat I could feel my blood soaked shirt clinging to my body. Before I let my self drown in the pain and give into the long, dark slumber my body wanted so badly, i heard Tyler speak. "I hate this! I hate that every one expects the worst from me because of what I am! why can't they just get past that?! All I want is to know that at least one person cares and loves me for me... the real me." when I heard him start to cry I used the last bit of strength I had to open my mouth and say, "i do." then everything went black.

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