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Cassandra's Pov
((January 21st 2022))

I hold up the already heating flatirons to my hair and press down on a part I had combed out, sighing as I moved the iron down to my ends and watched as my hair straightened. Heat was never good to my hair but I don't exactly care too much about that right now. I got school in a couple minutes (yes, minutes. i made a choice to drag and be late) and I'm just bored. I clamp down harder on my ends, hearing the irons make a noise, and after a few seconds I sit them on the sink counter. Grabbing the wig brush, I brush it down and down and try to make it look decent but I'm not even giving it my all. With my hair type I really be having to wrestle with it and right now I'm not evening tryna scuffle.

I sigh out loud and just start tiding up the bathroom. I didn't really leave a mess but it didn't look like this when I walked in so it's not finna look like this when I leave out. I put the brushes in they containers, unplug the flatirons, put up all the gel products I was using, and clean the sink free of loose hairs that fell from when I was combing through my hair.

"You ready to leave out?" Reign yawns, knocking on the door once and I yawn right after her, nodding as if she can see me. "Yeah," I grab onto the knob and pull it open to see her standing in front of me, dangling my car keys. She hands them to me and I take 'em from her, walking out the bathroom, mumbling a 'thanks'.

I been staying with Reign and Reign's momma, Ray, for the last week and it's been going fine. It's mostly quiet all the time cause Ray works as a OB/GYN nurse at the hospital in Kenosha, and Reign doesn't really do much around the house but I like it like that. It's a refreshing change from where I used to stay at.

Ray let me move all my stuff in the guest room and she told me I could put all my pictures up and everything. She make this situation so much better I really like how nice she is.

"Do you wanna order something from a restaurant or eat something out the refrigerator?" She asks, and I turn around to see her doing something on her phone.

I slip on my ugg boots and shrug. "We can just eat out the house."

If Ray doesn't work too late she'll come home and cook but if she does end up working late she give us money to order out. Most of the time me and Reign just take the money and buy stuff to make different things to cook. The other night we made Sichuan boiled fish and dumplings.

Then one night I had made salmon croquettes and garlic mashed red potatoes cause that's, like, my specialty. My grandma taught me how to make it when I was fourteen and I seem to be getting better each time. Love that for me.

Putting on my jacket from the coatrack and pulling the beanie I stole from Hailey over my head, I check myself out in the mirror before I decide I'm ready to go. "You ready?" I look over at Reign and she nods. I pick up my keys and we leave out, locking the door behind ourselves. I press the unlock button on my car key and the headlights blink.

We get in and I put on my seatbelt before starting the car up, then backing out the driveway and pressing the gas to move down the street. The radio plays softly and we don't say nothing to each other. After the next twenty minutes I pull into the parking lot at the school and park. We get out and walk in, going our separate ways mumbling a 'see you'.

It's nine o'clock so it's my third period, I walk up to the American Literature room, walking straight in and taking a seat in the middle row, pulling out my laptop to check if he assigned something. He assigned a work seat and I end up finishing it in the next fifteen just in time before the bell rings. I gather my stuff and leave out, walking into the crowed hallway.

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