𝑠 𝑖 𝑥 𝑡 𝑦 𝑓 𝑖 𝑣 𝑒

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Cassandra's POV
((February 2nd 2022))

"Are we ever gonna talk about what happened at the party?" Chucky follows me through the school hallway as I try to get pass all the people.

He so damn irritating.

"I'm choosing not to." I reply, not stopping my walk.

"Are we ever gonna talk about what happened with your family? I heard the police was investigating-"

"Chucky, stop it." I roll my eyes in annoyance. "I don't wanna talk about it and I'm really trying to forget all of that stuff even happened, so, just don't."

"I think you're choosing to just bottle it up inside and I don't think it's healthy. It's okay to talk about it."

"And stop what you're doing." I stop walking and lean up against my locker. "This, is you thinking you know me and you don't. You barely know what's going on and I really appreciate you trying to, like, help but I don't need help. I don't need your input either. I'd really just rather move past everything if that's alright with you."

"Y-yeah, that's um.. that's fine." He nods.

"Thank you.." I mumble, messing with my lock, trying to do the combination.


"Send a rose to someone for Valentine's Day?" Kennedy, my home room class president, struts up to us with a clipboard and a wad of money in hand. "It's only two bucks and it'll go towards a good cause."

"Uh," Chucky pats both of his pocket before shaking his head. "I'm all tapped out. Sorry."

Sighing, I take a five dollar bill out my purse and hand it to Kennedy to which she smiles at. "I'll take two."

"Great," She starts writing my name down on the sheet, using the clipboard for support. "And which student, in which class, do you want it to be delivered to?" She looks up at me.

I honestly just wanted to help whatever cause it was going to. If Hailey went to this school I'd probably give it to her but she doesn't go here and I haven't seen her in almost a month. If I end up seeing her before Valentine's Day I'll just give it to her myself.

"Um, I'll take the first one for myself and you can send the other to.." I trail off watching this girl name, Patch, walk past. She's apart of the foreign exchange program and I think she's from Britain. I don't think she has many friends though. The only reason I even know her is because we got our backpacks mixed up one time. Maybe it'll make her happy if she gets one.

"Patch." I look back at Kennedy who furrows her eyebrows. "What's their last name?"

"I don't really know." I admit. "I'm thinking of the foreign exchange student though.."

"Oh! Yeah, you mean Patch Walker." She nods and I nod as she writes her name on the paper.

Then the bell rings meaning it's time for seventh period and if your not in class now you're late.

"I have to go," I tell the two of them.

"Thanks for your donation. It'll go to a good cause!" Kennedy calls after me, by then I'm already halfway down the hall.

The halls almost clear and as soon as I'm about to walk up the stairs for my next class, I stop. Turning a heel, I go down the stairs and go all the way to the first floor, walking right past security and leaving out the school. Seniors can leave whenever they want and I'm wanting to leave, so I left. My shift don't start till five so I can handle all my business before then.

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