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chapter 4

·Cassandra Pov·

I grabbed two big bag of cool ranch Doritos from the chip rack before making my way to the back of the store, heading towards the drink area. I grabbed a bottle of orange juice, and a bottle of Sprite, I stepped back and let go of the door handle, allowing it to shut. Then turned around and walking a few feet to get to the candy section. They had a few good options but I always just decided with a snicker. And luckily it was the last one, and no one had took it.

I reached for it as I heard. "You gonna take the last snicker bar?" I snatched the snicker before turning around to face the guy behind me. He had dark brown skin, dark brown eyes, and a black low top fade. "I mean I did get it first..." I said lowly but I met his eyes and saw a hint of playfulness. "You're joking. I realize that now."

"Yeah, I am. Pass me the skittles."

"Which ones?" I asked glancing back at the skittle area of the candy section.

"The best ones obviously," He shrugged. I picked up the best ones. Tropical. I handed him the pack and he scrunched up his nose in disgust. "What the fuck? How you cute but got bad taste in skittles?" He asked and it was my turn to scrunch my nose up in disgust.

"What you talking about? Tropical skittles bomb." I asked in an offended tone.

"Tropical skittles ass." He said and my mouth dropped in shock. "Everybody know nothing be beating the original,"

"But Tropical did. They beat it with a bat." I said making a swinging motion with my hands.

"Yeah, ight." He scoffed stuffing his phone in his pocket and I used that time to pick up the orignal red pack of skittles and hand them to him, which he took with a smile. "Thanks. Aye, we got the same uniform." He pointed out obviously noticing my red shirt and tan pants. We both wore the same uniform. "Do you go to Olson?"

"Yeah, I never seen you around there." I admitted honestly.

"Yeah, I ain't gon sit up here and lie to you, I'm barely there half the time, plus half the time I'm getting high in the bathroom so..." He trailed off and I nodded understand what he didn't exactly say.

"O'Sean," He introduced himself.


"How come yo name sound like a grandma name? Do yo mama and daddy not love you or sum?"

Why does everyone keep saying that?

"Oh, you got jokes," I said turning around to get to the counter and pay for my things. "At least my name got class and sound good. What kind of name is O'Sean?" I placed all my things on the counter.

"It's dutch." He smirked. "I'm dutch."

"Anything else?"

"And Italian, and spanish, and russian, and Alaskan. Yeah, that's it." He nodded.

"Your full of shit," I mumbled placing a ten dollar bill on the counter as the man behind it rung up my items. "Your as black as they come."

"I can be other things," He shrugged placing his skittles at the other register.

"But you're not, are you?"

"Nah," He shook his head.

"Thank you, come again," The cashier told me with a smile handing me back my change. "Thank you,"

"Where my hug at?" O'Sean called out as I nearly made my way out the door.


"I don't know," I shrugged. "Maybe at the bottom of Lake Michigan?"

"Yeah, ight. I'll see you at school."

"If you not getting high in the bathroom," I said before leaving out the store.

I walked to Julia's red 2004 ford. Dua Lipa blasting threw her speakers. "Why you always have to Dua Lipa at seven in the morning?" I asked shutting Julia's car door behind me as I sat down in the passenger seat. I took her sunglasses and put them on, covering my eyes from the hot sun shining threw the window shield.

I pulled the seatbelt over me before connecting it in whatever the thing that made that click was. After I was secured I lay back in the seat shutting my eyes letting out a lazy sigh.

"Because she's amazing, obviously. Why do you always have to act hungover?" She asked looking over at me for a second as she pulled off and started to drive.

"Because I'm constantly tired," I mumbled.

"Aw, poor baby," She muttered as the car came to a slow stop at the red light. Julia had been my best friend for almost six years. She lives a bit far from my house but we're still really good friends, we met at our old elementary school during lunchtime. Ever since then we'd be the closest of friends. "What took you so long in the store?"

"Talking to some guy from our school," I said handing her the sprite and doritos.

"What was his name?" Julia asked.

"O'Sean," I mumbled twisting open the apple juice bottle. "He was nice."

"O'Sean Reynolds?"

"I guess. You know him?" I asked, taking a sip of my apple juice.

"No, not really. I just know of him. He's a senior, he was at Hunter's party with Gisele Stevens."

"Not you stalking..."

"Ugh, shut up. I'm not stalking. She laughed. "I just know a few things."

"Mm" I muttered leaning my head against the window. I don't know how but I ended up falling asleep to the soft hum of a Dua Lipa song with an unclosed bottle of apple juice in my hand.

Author's note: i promise after enough chapters they won't suck as much. these are all honestly just filler chapters until Hailey is actually introduced along with her family and group of friends. i know this story is Cassandra's story but Hailey is like the center. she's where everything comes together.

i literally have pages, notes, and full length chapters of relationship, adventures, and things surrounding Hailey and Cassandra. so once Hailey is actually introduced the story would improve so much. promise. thx for reading.

comments, votes, and follows are appreciated thx <3

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