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chapter nineteen

Cassandra pov

"Come to the window." Her voice is raspy and I'm irritated. Who calls someone at three o'clock in the morning. "H-hailey?" I ask threw a yawn. I can hear her eye roll threw the phone. "Who else would it be?" My eyebrows raise at her tone. "Calm down buddy." I mumbled throwing the cover off of me and stepped over to the window. It was a bit cracked. I opened it anyway.

Hailey was looking up at me, phone to her ear. She gave me a small wave. Pebbles from the neighbors garden were scattered around her. It was raining too. Her hair was drenched. But hold on. "Did you crack my window?" I asked.

"Not intentionally." She said fidgeting with her fingers. "I tried to get your attention, with the rocks but like fifteen minutes passed, and you was still sleep so I was like 'fuck it, imma call her' how come you sleep so heavy, bae?"

"Why didn't you just call me in the first place?" I replied and she rolled her eyes.

"How come you can't just appreciate my nice gesture?"

"Why are you here?" I asked, ignoring her question.

"Let's go to breakfast." She suggested.

"Don't you have a plane to catch in a few hours?"

"Why you always asking questions, bruh? I'mma be honest with you, even though I always am. I think your cool and beautiful and whatnot but... I don't even know you for real. I feel like we always with friends or something. The hotel made me realize that so I'm trying to get to know you."

"That's sweet." I looked down trying to hide the blush on my cheeks. I looked back up. "Um, it's raining so you should get in the car. I'll be down in a sec."


I hung up the phone and shut the window. I was dressed in my purple night grown and I was still sleepy so I just decided on my grey sweatpants, and a black hoodie Henry let me borrow a few months ago, that I wouldn't give back. I slipped on my orange vans and grabbed my phone from my dresser. I swung open my door and walked down the stairs. Mom and Dad are usually sleep by now, so I didn't really have nothing to worry about. But as soon as I was about to walk out the front door, I heard rustling in kitchen.

I looked forward to see Uncle Randy rummaging threw the fridge. He must have sensed me or something because he turned to look at me. "Where are you going?"

"Breakfast. I'm hungry." I mumbled.

I don't like Uncle Randy. He's dad's brother and he gives me 'I would date a eighteen year old because she's legal and hot' vibes. I'm pretty sure he has a thing for underage girls. That's why my grandma kicked him out her house. Now he living over here until he get back on his feet.

When I was little sometimes he would come over and visit and bring my cousins with him. So I would go outside and play with my cousins, and I would be wearing shorts, because it was summer and like one hundred degrees, and apparently they were too short for Uncle Randy, and Uncle Randy's wife, Thelma, would tell me to change or go back in the house.

Now I'm not just mad at Uncle Randy, but Thelma and everybody who thought it was okay to defend this man for being creepy and forcing a little girl to change her clothes for him.

Just kick him out, and beat his ass!

Not that hard.

Defending men like uncle Randy is something that you see a lot in the black community.

If I knew someone like him he would never be around my kids.

I wouldn't even associate myself with him.

"You stop going threw that phase with girls, and start messing around with these lil boys now?" He asked taking a bite of the leftover macaroni Henry put up for himself.

"It's not a phase and no, I'm not."

"You know yo grandma don't like that unholyness. The sooner you stop, the sooner she'll let you back in her house." He told me referencing when grandma found out I was gay and kicked me out her house and told me I needed church. I cried a little bit, but Julia told me if she didn't except me that was her problem not mine.

"Isn't that the same thing she told you when the police came knocking to door about those allegations?" I asked and his silence was enough. I turned around and swung the door open before walking out of it, and closing it behind me.

I didn't know what car Hailey was in. I didn't see the Jeep or Trackhawk from yesterday. I did see a red Dodge Hellcat parked across the street. The lights were on, and the car was running, so I decided that she in there.

I crossed the non busy street and headed to the Dodge. The doors unlocked as soon as I reached for the handle. I opened the door and Hailey eyes met mine. I almost sat down but in the midst of looking for her car I was covered in rain. "Oh, crap..." I muttered.

"What?" Hailey asked grabbing the two jackets from the front seat and placing them in the back. "You alright?"

"Do you have like a sheet or something? I'm all wet, I don't wanna mess up your seats."

"You can always get wetter." She smiled before clicking her tongue. I furrowed my eyebrows. Whenever she did that it implied she meant something sexual or funny, but I didn't get it. She must have noticed I didn't understand, because she shook her head with a small laugh. "Nevermind, it's cool. Just get in."

"Thanks." I mumbled getting in the car and slamming the door when I was settled. She mumbled something about my seatbelt as she did something on her phone. I buckled my seatbelt and reclined my chair a bit. After a few seconds she put her phone on the arm rest, and pressed the gas pedal to move us forward.

"Your car is really nice." I say running my finger over her red dashboard.

"Yeah, I miss my real car though." She replies keeping her eyes on the road in front of us.

"What kinda car do you have?"

"I have a white BMW, I got a orange McLaren, I used to have one of these..." She points to this car. "...but I totaled it while I was off medication." She says with a sigh. "I need a family car, now that I think about it." She says softly. Her playlist turns on out of nowhere and she vibes to a PARTYNEXTDOOR song I'm not familiar with.

"I need you to see my eyes, so now that I can tell you different..."

"I need you to see my side, so you can see what it is and what it isn't..."

"I'm not vindictive, baby, please don't resent me, baby, please, I want you to love me again..."

I chuckle seeing her sing every word like somebody broke her lil heart.

"What you laughing at?" She smiles looking over at me.

"Who hurt you, Hailey?" I ask.

"Man, my husband gets me. He feel everything I feel." She says passionately.

"Husband? What about me?" I reply trying to act hurt.

"I'm sorry bae, but you can't compete with him. That's my everything." She shrugs and I nudge her with my arm. "Remember that," I mumble looking out the window.

"You'll be ight." She says softly.

A/n: how yall like everything so far. Im feeling a little badthese days. I might kill a few people off and do a switch on yall. Or will i?

favorite characters?




see ya later i re wrote this like a billion times so bye now ok have a nice day

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