𝑠 𝑖 𝑥 𝑡 𝑦 𝑓 𝑜 𝑢 𝑟

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Cassandra's Pov
((January 31st 2022))

"Let's go over this again, Ms. Ambers.." The officer in front of me speaks slowly and I sigh softly, feeling the pain from the headache my hangover causing.

I came straight to the police station when I woke up. I didn't go buy no Advil, no water, no Tylenol, no nothing. And if I'm Being honest that's cause I'm scared to use the money for something. I know it's my money and it belongs to me, and I'm so happy I got it back, but this whole situation unsettling and the fact that I'm in here because of it is disturbing. I just wanted my money back, I didn't want nobody to get shot.

"You were driven home by a friend after you left a party and that's when you came upon the crime scene, and by the time you got there, the police and paramedics had already discovered your parents and were taking them to the hospital." He reads from a sheet of a paper he had written my statement on.

"Yeah," I mumble out and he breathes in deeply.

"Are you sure about you not having any enemies? You sure not knowing if your Dad and your brother had any enemies? Anyone you think might have wanted your father and brother dead?" He asks, looking me dead in the eyes.

"Yes, I don't think my Dad and brother were into it with anybody. They stayed out the way, they were real respectful people."

"Yeah, I've heard that from neighbors." He replies, starting to get all the papers together and I stay quiet.

After a few more minutes pass he's done organizing things and just starts looking at me.

Does he know that I know? He can't know. What if he does though? I could go to jail.

And then what if they interview other people? What if they interview Gus? Who knows what he gonna say.

My life gonna be over. Everything I ever worked for is gonna crumble all because I cried and complained four hundred thousand dollars.

"I have to be honest with you, Ms. Ambers." He inhales a little. "We have no leads."


"The attacker left no evidence. We didn't find any fingerprints, couldn't find psychical evidence, and we can't get a good enough description from your mom due to the fact the attacker was wearing a mask. We aren't sure if it was a male or female, we aren't sure about the age range either. We can't trace the bullets to any gun in our system, and unfortunately security cameras from other homes didn't pick anyone up on the footage." He admits with a guilty gaze.

"We do however suspect it was a male, probably mid forties or fifties, with an ex career in law enforcement. However we don't have evidence to back it up and this is all pure speculation."

Oh, they way off.

"Do you know anyone who fits that description, Ms. Ambers? Family, friend of the family?" He asks.

"No, not at all." That wasn't a lie this time. Momma and Elliot know no one in law enforcement.

"Think harder." He urges.

"I-I really don't know," I admit.

He sighs defeatedly, leaning into his chair. "Yeah, you probably don't." Then after a few seconds of silence he switches up. "Y'know, Ms. Ambers, I recall you saying you don't really have a good relationship with your father. Why is that?" He asks, placing a new sheet of paper in front of him and clicking his pen.

I can't tell him about the money. I feel like that's gonna be a motive.

Girl has money, Dad steals money from girl, Girl leaves after he steals money, days later Dad and Brother are shot and Girl is completely clueless.

𝐈'𝐝 𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐈𝐭 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐜𝐞Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum